Oh my dawwwg Andy, you are really grasping at straws now. Did you think that was Obama's only plan? Yes, inflating tires will save on gas consumption and I think it's estimated to be significant. What is wrong with you lad? You don't cut your nose off to spite your face. If you do that then you will always make $24,000 a year!
Yes, given I have yet to hear any other significant 'plan' from Obama.
"I think it's estimated to be significant" You THINK it's ESTIMATED to be significant? Opinion based on zero facts.
My personal income has nothing to do with that topic at hand. Who is grasping at straws?
No Andy, it's not his plan.
Oh do tell. What's his plan?
I claimed is a scam? Come back Andy, come back.
Topic was oil located in ANWR and OCS. Your response:
"I would stay away from it because it's an electioneering scam and nothing more."
Yes, you claimed it was a scam.
See my question to Rob and the Gen as to my confusion on what you're on about now.
The prior statement about ANWR and OCS being a scam. If it is, and private companies invest in it, then only they lose the money.
In Socialism, if the company invests in a scam (like Ethanol), we, the tax payers lose.
That is my point with keeping just 500 beds and relying on others to pick up a surge. Maybe you're a smarter young man than I gave you credit for.
The difference being that your hospitals can't help people. Which defeat the point of having them. In order to compare correctly, it would be if budget cuts forced the French Rail Service, to cut 90% of their staff, and as a result rail cars were flying off the tracks and killing people.
In theory it is possible. In practice and experinence it is hogwash!
True or false: ANWR was recommended for drilling in the late 80s, and was prevented from being drilled on till early 2000s, nearly 20 years later?
True or false: Production has not risen with demand during those 20 years?
Probably more but the mere fact that you would make that claim tells me that you are out to lunch. With rabid righties probably! The earh probably still has 100 times the amount of oil that has ever been taken out of the ground still there. YOu're not ready for a serious discussion on that at this time.
Thank you for shooting down the peakoil theory. Feel free to support any other points I make.
THe preponderance of evidence says you are wrong and your head's about a yard up your rectum.
How many million barrels a day is he producing? LOL
Dear silly Andy, do you often rely on these kind of Anecdotal stories?
It doesn't matter if he only produces 1. The point is that if we were "tapped out", the the production of more oil than prior, would be impossible. We we produce 100 barrels a day, and you claim we are tapped out, then how could a random guy, at a random location, sink a well and strike oil, producing 1 barrel more a day?
The answer is obvious: We are not tapped out. And Anthony Young obviously is producing more than 1 barrel a day with 57 well 6 months ago. Who know how many he has now.
You should have started looking before oil got expensive but you didn't. And it's because of the mean liberals who wanted to bring on this crisis because McCain always has said that he was in favour of alternative energy. Didn't he?
McCain said he favored good alternative energy. I do too. Nevertheless, between McCain supporting drilling for oil, or Obama's "inflate your tires" theory, I'm going for McCain on this one.
Who the fu-k cares, you're toast because you weren't interested in alternative energy because you cons always insisted there was lots of oil left. So stop crying to Canada for 5 million barrels a day. Alright already?
You don't want us buying oil from you, that supports your failing health care system? Now that's interesting.
Note: degrading to mindless cursing is the sign of a failing argument. We have invested more in alternative energy sources than Canada has. The result has been few in success, and much in wasted money, and spiking oil prices.