Here is a 2001 study done in animals [and yes, humans are animals and comparative psychology allows us to extrapolate] that shows the imprinting nature of sexuality and even discusses findings that social pressures can affect partner choices.
A quote:
"Experience early in life that has a latent effect on
subsequent sexual behavior has been termed sexual
imprinting (Bateson, 1978a,b). As with other forms of
imprinting (see Lorenz, 1970), the exact nature of associations
and reinforcement contingencies involved
in this type of learning are not well understood. However,
it has been argued that imprinting follows contingency
rules similar to those important for classical
conditioning (Hollis, ten Cate, and Bateson, 1991)."
Again, from the quote:
"..the exact nature of associations
and reinforcement contingencies involved
in this type of learning are not well understood.."
My contention is that we should understand these contingencies first, especially coupled with the study's findings that sexual preferences are linked to social influences. I believe in making informed decisions and not hasty ones based on being belittled or pressured by the gay lobby.
I think it's appropriate to add here to that its this belittling, this peer pressure we see inherant in this thread and elsewhere that skews polling data. People when asked in a public setting, or in the presence of someone else who they deem may have a strong differing view or a political climate which allows reverse bashing may give a false answer to the pollster on "do you think homosexuals should be able to marry", than the answer they actually "give" at the polls.
The consternation and mismatch about polling in CA just prior to the Prop 8 issue and also in Maine recently vs the actual outcome results are demonstrative of this. Those curtains at the booths are there for a reason, so that the individual may exert his or her power without coercion or undue influences. The gay lobby will not reverse-bash US citizens into falling in line with their agenda without considering all the facts at hand.
My brother routinely and straightfacedly informs his wife year after year that he voted republican. Yet behind the curtain he will occasionally cast in favor of democrats. [I hope she's not reading]