OK, now you are in ad hominem territory. Purposefully serial-misquoting and continual badgering.
Meanwhile, here's another side issue to consider. I almost started a new thread about it but then we'd have another 89 pages of Mare and toppy going hysterical, lying, ganging up and calling names.
Another ram-rodder of the PC queer [their own label for themselves] agenda automatically predicted how Congress is going to handle the DC deviant-sexual marriage issue. He emphatically stated they would uphold deviants' rights to marry. I responded thusly:
"Will Congress Block DC Council’s Same Sex Marriage Recognition?"
You already know how Congress will address this highly controversial issue that may cause a deep rift in this country [deeper than many are willing to admit] in these troubled times?
Think about it. If democrats support gay marriage, then guess what that will automatically do? Answer to rhetorical question: thin the ranks significantly.
Here's why. I'm outspoken about how I feel about gay marraige, but many who privately feel very strongly the same way I do are currently burying those feelings for fear of upsetting their PC friends and others who are ram-rodding this legislation [evidenced by your pre-predicting the outcome of Congress as "NO!"]. But when push comes to shove, these strong feelings may surface in the form of switching party affiliations...particularly if the GOP is clever enough to sieze on this new harvest of middle-grounders who will be newly estranged from "the new party of the queer agenda". I can see the GOP softening its religious manipulations and instead cater their new party logo to suit this current generation of pragmatists. If they do this, they just might pick up the 2010 and 2012 elections anew.
Mark my words, there will be an exodus and I may be among them.
Such a pity. Democrats always biff it on strategy and lose. The same mistake the GOP made in embracing the nutter far right to the exclusion of the majority of their ranks will be the same one the dems make with miscalculating how many people are actually opposed to gay marriage in their closer-to-middle ranks.
We'll see how this plays out.
Just because you see three vocal pro-deviant sex marriage people hammering away mercilessly at my position on this thread, don't let that fool you into thinking that all people who casually state they are "for gay marriage" in certain company [and then quickly change the subject] are all "pro-gay" in the voting booth.
The gays and the christian zealots do not
DO NOT want this comparison to be made, so I'll go ahead and make it...lol... Extreme agendas on either side of the mindless-zealot coin are going to dissolve the ranks of their respective political party, and not unite them.
These are times when every vote counts. Mistaking the real feelings of squirmy voters who don't want to be overtly persecuted by people such as Mare, toppy and especially ASPCA will say one thing and vote another just to keep their heads out of the crossfire but get their agenda across anyway.
Actually, if you think about Mare, toppy and ASPCA, they form the three prongs of the zealot-opposition triad. Mare is the intellectual, the calm, learned, verbose "reasonable" representative. He has bought his own "faith" so deeply that he removed his penis for it. It's like his form of monkesque flaggelation. Top Gun is the mid-range attack dog who is like the preacher at the pulpit, dispensing the word of the fold with an appeal to the common man. ASPCA is like the mindless appendage zealot, the abortion clinic bomber, the ultimate militant who would destroy you in a heartbeat if she could in order to promote the agenda of the fold.
Zealots on either end suck.