and yet another one of Joe Best who raped a disabled girl for your viewing pleasure.
An illegal immigrant from Haiti who entered the U.S. through a parole program was arrested after raping a disabled 15-year-old girl.
Yes one of joes best from a nation where people are being killed by gangs who control the government where people are being hacked up -massive poverty with many of those in control being paid off .
Yes sir liberals keep them coming till they infest your city's . Like they are now and you cry about it to BiG JOE the illegals best friend like they are now and what he's done going on his 4 to year to stop it ? Nothing, But hark its election year and big daddy Joe has a problem because he a ***** and failed to think of what would happen .And now blow hole joe will say anything tell any lie to get votes trump also but its not trump that created some of todays issues its Bidens . Guess treats why Biden is having polling number problems.