Al Gore Lies About Gloabl Warming Scandal

so we are debating a picture of houses sliding from permafrost melting?

Melting permafrost is not debatable, but observable.

If you want something else to chew on, try reading my post and following my link about thermohaline circulation. It is an interesting read at any rate.

It sure is warm here today, way above average. (as an aside, of course, local weather doesn't have anything to say about global climate change as a rule).
the science is settled...

climatoligists at east anglia have proven al gore correct.

No one has proven Al Gore correct, but no one has shown that global climate change is not real.

The fact is, the scientific community in both the US and Europe is saying that the Earth is warming on average, that said warming is causing climate change that is going to affect humanity in ways we can only partially predict just now, and that it is almost certain that greenhouse gasses created by human activity is accelerating that change.

Of course, there is a huge amount of misunderstanding, much of it being thrown about deliberately for political ends.

but, politics and science are two different things.
Great are these good. The one in bold type is my favorite. What's your favorite?

Enjoy and if you would like more, just ask.:D

Greenies are the sand in the gears of modern civilization -- and they intend to be.

The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all logic. They say that polar ice will melt and cause a big sea-level rise. Yet 91% of the world's glacial ice is in Antarctica , where the average temperature is around minus 40 degrees Celsius. The melting point of ice is zero degrees. So for the ice to melt on any scale the Antarctic temperature would need to rise by around 40 degrees, which NOBODY is predicting. The median Greenie prediction is about 4 degrees. So where is the huge sea level rise going to come from? Mars? And the North polar area is mostly sea ice and melting sea ice does not raise the sea level at all. Yet Warmists constantly hail any sign of Arctic melting. That the melting of floating ice does not raise the water level is known as Archimedes' principle. Archimedes demonstrated it around 2,500 years ago. That Warmists have not yet caught up with that must be just about the most inspissated ignorance imaginable. The whole Warmist scare defies the most basic physics.

Most Greenie causes are at best distractions from real environmental concerns (such as land degradation) and are more motivated by a hatred of people than by any care for the environment

Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an absurdity that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the evidence showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real Leftists

‘Global warming’ has become the grand political narrative of the age, replacing Marxism as a dominant force for controlling liberty and human choices. -- Prof. P. Stott

The modern environmental movement arose out of the wreckage of the New Left. They call themselves Green because they're too yellow to admit they're really Reds. So Lenin's birthday was chosen to be the date of Earth Day. Even a moderate politician like Al Gore has been clear as to what is needed. In "Earth in the Balance", he wrote that saving the planet would require a "wrenching transformation of society".
No one has proven Al Gore correct, but no one has shown that global climate change is not real.

The fact is, the scientific community in both the US and Europe is saying that the Earth is warming on average, that said warming is causing climate change that is going to affect humanity in ways we can only partially predict just now, and that it is almost certain that greenhouse gasses created by human activity is accelerating that change.

Of course, there is a huge amount of misunderstanding, much of it being thrown about deliberately for political ends.

but, politics and science are two different things.

Did the temp go up a degree over the 1900's ? Seems to have.

Did CO2 contnue to rise inth the 2000's ? Seems to have,

Did the temps continue to rise as they must (per CRU theory) ? Nope.

Clearly more unknown than known.
Melting permafrost is not debatable, but observable.

If you want something else to chew on, try reading my post and following my link about thermohaline circulation. It is an interesting read at any rate.

It sure is warm here today, way above average. (as an aside, of course, local weather doesn't have anything to say about global climate change as a rule).

but it seems its also still perma

Difficult to Melt
But a study led by Duane G. Froese of the University of Alberta concludes permafrost is far more resistant to climate change than previously claimed. The study, “Ancient Permafrost and a Future, Warmer Arctic” (Science, September 19, 2008), examines ancient ice, determined to be 740,000 years old, found in the Yukon. The permafrost has, indeed, remained “permanent” despite having experienced climate change—both warming and cooling—for hundreds of thousands of years.
Ice core samples, for example, show temperatures were repeatedly warmer in the Arctic during the past 740,000 years than they are today.
The Froese study calls into question the accuracy of climate models predicting long-term damage to permafrost from global warming. The study authors put it as follows:
“Climate models predict extensive and severe degradation of permafrost in response to global warming, with a potential of the release of large volumes of stored carbon. However, the accuracy of these models is difficult to evaluate because little is known of the history of permafrost and its response to past warm intervals of climate. We report the presence of relict ground ice in subarctic Canada that is greater than 700,000 years old, with the implication that ground ice in this area has survived past interglaciations that were warmer and of longer duration than the present interglaciation.”
no one ever claimed that these were ALL the emails that there were.

more collusion could have transpired via other media or purged data (they have a bad habit of doing that too).

as scientists, these guys lost credibility by their actions. that you accept it as normal cost you whatever credibility you had.

Ok, so you have concluded that global warming is a hoax and that these scientists are liars, yet you cannot provide me with a single example of anything you think they did seriously wrong despite my repeated requests. Instead you just keep repeating your claims that they are liars and their science is a hoax. This is just like what you have been doing with the science: you are caught getting things wrong, and yet you repeat them over and over again.

If you decide that you care more about the truth than dodging questions and spreading slander and misinformation then let me know and I will continue this discussion. *Sigh*. I keep hoping to find an honest conservative on this board to have discussions with, but I am starting to run out of options.
Agreed. A Hoax!

The only thing that will change my mind if Al Gore agrees to make $0.00 on the crap that he's shoveling.

The only reason this is so important to Al Gore is because he is thirsting for more power and money and as a liberal, loves the idea of controlling the American people.
Ok, so you have concluded that global warming is a hoax and that these scientists are liars, yet you cannot provide me with a single example of anything you think they did seriously wrong despite my repeated requests. Instead you just keep repeating your claims that they are liars and their science is a hoax. This is just like what you have been doing with the science: you are caught getting things wrong, and yet you repeat them over and over again.

If you decide that you care more about the truth than dodging questions and spreading slander and misinformation then let me know and I will continue this discussion. *Sigh*. I keep hoping to find an honest conservative on this board to have discussions with, but I am starting to run out of options.

They are liars as proven by the contents of their emails and subsequest revalations that arose form the climatgate scandal.

You are perfectly capable of reviewing the reporting on the subject if you have not bothered to do so already.

They faked data
they selectively left out data that did not suit
they purged backing documentation preventing anyone from reviewing their "work"
they colluded to conceal that warming ceased

If they are willing to do these things their "science" cannot be trusted.

And I've yet to find an honest warmer. Go figure...
Agreed. A Hoax!

The only thing that will change my mind if Al Gore agrees to make $0.00 on the crap that he's shoveling.

The only reason this is so important to Al Gore is because he is thirsting for more power and money and as a liberal, loves the idea of controlling the American people.

al gore and ken lay planned the carbon credit sceme togather.
Obama played a role in the Chicago arena of carbon credits and climate change.

Or course the "left wing" media does not do their research, so the mass public never knows the whole story.

This is what the left want. No debate. They want to hide the truth, and keep the opposition quiet so there is no debate.

They know, if debated, that America would not choose the ultra-left policies being pushed.

This is why Obama ran as a centrist to begin with.
If he had told America of what he was really about, he would more than likely lost.
Obama played a role in the Chicago arena of carbon credits and climate change.

Or course the "left wing" media does not do their research, so the mass public never knows the whole story.

This is what the left want. No debate. They want to hide the truth, and keep the opposition quiet so there is no debate.

They know, if debated, that America would not choose the ultra-left policies being pushed.

This is why Obama ran as a centrist to begin with.
If he had told America of what he was really about, he would more than likely lost.

man o man, thats going to leave a mark
They are liars as proven by the contents of their emails and subsequest revalations that arose form the climatgate scandal.

You are perfectly capable of reviewing the reporting on the subject if you have not bothered to do so already.

I have looked and I have found nothing to back up your accusations. That doesn't mean you're wrong, but the more you dodge this, the more I think you're full of it.

You have gotten many things wrong debating the science, so you are now saying that you don't need to understand it because it is all fake. Show me an example of your first accusation. You say:

They faked data

Who faked what data? Put up or shut up.