Al Gore Lies About Gloabl Warming Scandal

This is the first page that comes up if you google "melting permafrost". Take your pick.

Or not. It's a hoax. Just keep repeating the mantra:

Algore was wrong so all climate science is a hoax.



Say it with me now. Don't pay attention to all of that science stuff. It's a bunch of liberal hogwash, that science stuff is. We don't need no stinkin' science stuff.

1. Melting Permafrost in Previously Forested Areas, Alaska Science
Melting Permafrost in Previously Forested Areas; Article #594 ... Permafrost recedes more deeply into the ground under different surface ...
2. Climate warning as Siberia melts - environment - 11 August 2005 -
THE world's largest frozen peat bog is melting. An area stretching for a million square kilometres across the permafrost of western Siberia is ...
3. Permafrost
Although permafrost can be thousands of years old, it is sometimes newly formed or about to melt, and it often exists close to its melting point . As ...
4. Scientists find new global warming threat from melting permafrost -
WASHINGTON — New research is raising concerns that global warming may be triggering a self-perpetuating climate time bomb trapped in once-frozen ...
5. Greenhouse gas bubbling from melting permafrost | Science Blog
7 issue of the journal Nature has found that as the permafrost melts in North Siberia due to climate change, carbon sequestered and buried there ...
6. Melting permafrost could trigger 'unstoppable' climate change -
Melting Arctic permafrost could trigger "unstoppable climate change" as it releases ever increasing levels of methane gas, scientists have ...
7. Melting Permafrost
Melting permafrost in the Arctic ... Alaska Photo Path: Photos: Landscape Photos: Melting Permafrost ;
8. Greenhouse Gas Bubbling From Melting Permafrost Feeds Climate
7 issue of the journal Nature has found that as the permafrost melts in North Siberia due to climate change, carbon sequestered and buried there ...
9. Pacifica Riptide: Melting Permafrost Releases Methane Gas Bubbles
MELTING PERMAFROST RELEASES HUGE METHANE GAS BUBBLES ... Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Melting Permafrost Releases Methane Gas ...
10. The Permafrost is not so Perma « Climate Progress
Perhaps the most dangerous vicious cycle is the melting of the Arctic permafrost, which contains more carbon locked away in frozen soil than the ...
I have looked and I have found nothing to back up your accusations. That doesn't mean you're wrong, but the more you dodge this, the more I think you're full of it.

You have gotten many things wrong debating the science, so you are now saying that you don't need to understand it because it is all fake. Show me an example of your first accusation. You say:

Who faked what data? Put up or shut up.

Fine, you clearly have had your head in the sand, time you woke up though I'm sure you'll deny it all. Warmers always do.

and there are 134,000 more.
This is the first page that comes up if you google "melting permafrost". Take your pick.

Or not. It's a hoax. Just keep repeating the mantra:

Algore was wrong so all climate science is a hoax.



Say it with me now. Don't pay attention to all of that science stuff. It's a bunch of liberal hogwash, that science stuff is. We don't need no stinkin' science stuff.

I posted the refutation of this debunked permafrost deal. From actual science people but never mind that, you go ahead and ignore what it inconvenient.
What convinced you that man made CO2 is the cause of climate change?

NASA, NOAA, and their European counterparts. But why digress from the original debate? I thought the idea was that a cold winter in Europe and eastern North America was supposed to prove that global warming wasn't happening?
NASA, NOAA, and their European counterparts. But why digress from the original debate? I thought the idea was that a cold winter in Europe and eastern North America was supposed to prove that global warming wasn't happening?

Actually all of the northern hemisphere. Following an cooler than normal summer.
NASA, NOAA, and their European counterparts.
So a "consensus" is what has convinced you of MMGW?

But why digress from the original debate? I thought the idea was that a cold winter in Europe and eastern North America was supposed to prove that global warming wasn't happening?
But a warm summer in Europe and eastern North America proves that Man's CO2 production is causing global warming?

CO2 continues to "skyrocket" but the warming has tapered off... coincidentally the sun's energy has also tapered off but the "consensus" tells us that the sun doesn't have nearly as much impact as mans CO2.
So a "consensus" is what has convinced you of MMGW?

But a warm summer in Europe and eastern North America proves that Man's CO2 production is causing global warming?

CO2 continues to "skyrocket" but the warming has tapered off... coincidentally the sun's energy has also tapered off but the "consensus" tells us that the sun doesn't have nearly as much impact as mans CO2.

Our friend said earlier

The fact is, the scientific community in both the US and Europe is saying that the Earth is warming on average, that said warming is causing climate change that is going to affect humanity in ways we can only partially predict just now, and that it is almost certain that greenhouse gasses created by human activity is accelerating that change.

Almost certain...

And that's how its been presented as they do not know.

And as there is finally more real science being generated that suggests otherwise, some are just too invested to open their eyes.
Fine, you clearly have had your head in the sand, time you woke up though I'm sure you'll deny it all. Warmers always do.

I have not "had my head in the sand". I have been busy fact-checking many false statements by you, Asur, and others. I note that you are continuing to confuse climate with weather. I wonder if you'll ever get the memo?

In terms of fake data, so far I have determined that all claims of faked data by Asur appear to be false. This is the first time you have posted anything to defend your statements. It will take me time to get through all of this. Links to blog posts require me to spend lots of time tracking down the truth because they often are distortions or lies.

I don't believe this one at all. A link to someone ranting about his frustrations in being the first person to put a database in order and finding missing and partially corrupted files? Please. I have tried to do things sort of like this before, and I can tell you that there are problems like this in many databases without assuming foul play. Maybe some of these files were deliberately altered, but I see no reason to assume dishonesty. You will note that the author of the actual source readme never says that he suspects foul play, but spends lots of time blaming bad software.

This is an example of cherry-picking data, not faking data. But it is disturbing if true. I need time to look into this.

This is silly. The blog goes through and finds that the the temperature trend only exists because of a correction the climate scientists made to the raw data. Instead of asking why the correction was made, they screamed "foul play, fabrication of data!" Turns out the temperature stations have not been in the same locations for the last 100+ years, so corrections have to be made to account for these differences. In particular, one of them was moved to a much higher elevation where it is significantly colder so that the temperatures have to be corrected upwards for comparison.

No examples of faked data here, just vague accusations.

So two of these accusations look false to me (the New Zealand one is absolutely obvious), and the third ( the one by the Russians ) looks disturbing and I want to investigate as soon as I find time. I will look in to this. In the meantime, stop believing everything you read on these partisan blogs! Do some fact checking yourself before you slander people.
groupthink/Gipper/asur is like the Zippy-The-Pinhead of the far right. That's how amusing his preconceived delusional contortions are.

Do you have eyes oh Zippy?

Almost certain... Scientific fact... What's the difference? I mean its not like their suggestions for "fixing" the problem are higher taxes, more government control of our lives and a curtailing of individual rights and libery... Oh wait... :rolleyes:

Now, you're no longer talking about science, but politics. The two are very different things.

Yes, the science indicates that global warming is happening, beyond question. The cooler than normal winter in parts (no, not in all of the northern hemisphere) of the world does not negate 20 or 30 years of scientific observation. Yes, science does say that human activities are almost certainly accelerating the change, so there is a small chance that new data could cast doubt on the human contribution. Most of the scientists do not think that will happen, but it is a possibility.

Now, you bring up politics, which is another matter entirely. The odds that we will do anything to mitigate global warming are pretty small. Such an effort would entail global cooperation that is unprecedented in human history. The chances that we could reverse the process, even if we were able to limit greenhouse gasses (which is unlikely) approach zero.

So yes, you do have a point that such as cap and trade as a fix to the problem is probably not going to help, and could cost even more money and increase government power.

But, what you're doing is arguing apples and road apples, two different things. It is not necessary to try to refute scientific observation and experimentation in order to espouse a particular political belief.