Dante the Marxist
Well-Known Member
I suppose this thread is gone now...See yall later.
Do you know Lakeman? I have one bias and you have the mirror image bias. Everything in the Bible is good to you, but I am selective in my acceptance of genocide, rape, murder, incest, etc. Much of Jesus' teachings are good, but that cannot be said of a lot of the rest of Bible.
You call me nuts, but have yet to show anywhere that I am misquoting the Bible and even YOUR citations often lend support to my positions.
Here's a good example of someone of your faith, Who, with an interpretation far more Christ-like than your own. You gonna call Archbishop Tutu nuts too?
"Live from South Africa, it's Archbishop Desmond Tutu! The Nobel Peace Prize Laureate was honored by the 2009 Vancouver Peace Summit over the weekend (he appeared via satellite from South Africa), and took the chance to call out religion and religious leaders who use their faith as a means of bashing marginalized groups.
Tutu said that religion has often been used almost diabolically to encourage such things as xenophobia and homophobia, according to the Canadian Press. In the wake of such twisted faith, Tutu said that he can understand why many groups view religion with a fair share of skepticism.
"I sometimes wonder how people could ever think that God is a Christian," Tutu said. "The spirit of God is wider than any one particular faith."
Tutu has long been a champion for equal rights. He's gone so far as to say that homophobia equals apartheid (no light-weight comparison, given Tutu's familiarity with the subject), and has been a proponent of the freedom to marry, openly calling out governments who waste their time worrying about what private citizens are doing in the bedroom instead of focusing on issues like poverty, health care, and war."
Since there has not been any significant objection to this alternative to abortion, let us take it a few steps further. Use a endoscopic camera to find the fetus on the uterus wall, use suction to remove it. At this point, I suggested that the fetus was not harmed and would be frozen. However, it is not essential that the fetus not be harmed (no longer viable) because it (in theory) is never going to be implanted anyway. The right wingers are not likely to check because they always insist that they want, "smaller government", so if the fetus was no longer viable, they will not be aware of that fact. Also, wanting, "smaller government", the right wing will logically not wish to set-up oversight to assure that the fetus is actually being frozen and not flushed. "Of course we are freezing all those fetuses.", wink, wink.In light of the fact that fundamentalists, Conservatives, et. al., believe that abortion is the killing of a human being and Liberals disagree, wishing to continue the practice for the benefit of society by not raising unwanted children, I propose a third option.
If a surgical technique could be perfected that would remove an embryo without killing it, and then frozen (and stored indefinitely), as are many embryos are done currently that are fertilized in vitro, the embryo is thus not "murdered" as described by the right, but is never raised in a negative environment as should satisfy the left.
What say you on the Right? Would that satisfy legal and moral (religious) reservations?
I know Lakeman very well. Not just online but in real life. You seem to think that we handle things differently. You think he is more educated and smoother. How different do you think we are?
You are not nuts as far as I know. But you post some very nutty things. Your posts have been clearly and blatantly shown to be misrepresentations of the bible yet you don't acknowledge that.
Since there has not been any significant objection to this alternative to abortion, let us take it a few steps further. Use a endoscopic camera to find the fetus on the uterus wall, use suction to remove it. At this point, I suggested that the fetus was not harmed and would be frozen. However, it is not essential that the fetus not be harmed (no longer viable) because it (in theory) is never going to be implanted anyway. The right wingers are not likely to check because they always insist that they want, "smaller government", so if the fetus was no longer viable, they will not be aware of that fact. Also, wanting, "smaller government", the right wing will logically not wish to set-up oversight to assure that the fetus is actually being frozen and not flushed. "Of course we are freezing all those fetuses.", wink, wink.
Therefore, it would appear that the technology exists for the proposed procedure, and could be performed under the noses of those who wish to stop abortion. Let's do it.
Addressing the bolded part of your post: Bullsh1t! You have not, and neither has Lakeman, shown that I have misrepresented what is WRITTEN IN PLAIN ENGLISH in the Bible.
On a side note, Lakeman has lied deliberately and with malice aforethought to me and I no longer address him because of that. I have to assume from what you wrote that you are Lakeman posting under a different name, but some of what you write is quite different from some of the stuff he's written. The only explanation I have for this is that you have changed your opinions or your approach since I last posted to Lakeman some months ago.
Your posts have been clearly and blatantly shown to be misrepresentations of the bible yet you don't acknowledge that.
You really missed that one.the details are not even important.
What is important is that the intent to kill is not there and the best effort to maintain life is. Intentionally leaving a fetus frozen to eventually die would not be consistent with that intent.
The differences between Lakeman and myself are more likely that you don't understand what I am saying. But hey, I am not the one taking two different bible stories and combining them to create one new story with a completely different meaning.
How is it that your interpretations are correct and hers are misrepresentations? On who's authority?
Nor am I. And I am not taking the words in the Bible and claiming that murder, kidnapping, and rape are really "adoption" either as Lakey has done.
You keep saying I'm nuts and misquoting and all, but you have not yet proven those accusations. Your "no sir, no sir" arguments ring just as hollow as your dimissal of Jesus' two commandments.
If in some odd twist of fate you agree with MT we can start a new thead with a poll and see if people think that is nuts or reasonable.
I never said that I agreed with MT's interpretation. My point is: The bible not being written in moder English, it is open to interpretation (as I believe that you have so stated in a previous post). Given that, one can disagree with someones interpretation and can so state that they disagree. But, there is no divine assurance (unless God has reveled its meaning to you) that your own interpretation is any better than hers. If that were not true, there would be only one Christian church.
The only people who hear God speak (divine revelation) are psychotics.Yes if a person receives divine revelation they can know that they have a better interpretation.
No, The original meaning can only be known to those who wrote it, and subject to a number of factors which could obscure what the author meant. For instance the author's ability, or inability to express himself in written form.Which means that you agree some interpretations are better than others.
Some Bible scholars state that much of what the Bible says is not to be taken literally, but is symbolism, etc. Therefore, any interpretation cannot be considered any more valid than another.And when an interpretation is so obviously and blantantly not related to the words on the page we can compare it to an interpretation that is related better and say that the latter is a better interpretation.
I was not there. It is likely however, that there were homosexuals in those times as there are now. Who knows exactly what the author was trying to express. Could it be that "Lying with a woman" "Lying on the ground", are meant in the same context? I do not know, I was not there.You DO agree that claiming David and Jonathan were lying on the ground together having sex based on those passages is nuts? Right?
It could have been a symbolic gesture for whatever reason. I do not know what the social customs of the day were. It could have been for many different reasons.Whereas saying that Jopnathan gave his military apparel to David so that he would be able to fight makes more sense. Right?
One interpretation makes more sense to you than the other.No appeal to divine revelation. Just one interpretation makes more sense than the other.