Abortion and Morality

But a child is still being murdered, without legal consequence, for being place in a position it has no control over through no fault of its own. It is always going to come back around to a child being killed because it is inconvenient, or because its father was a criminal and try as you might coyote, that fact is not going to go away and you are never going to be able to make a rational argument why its right to live is less important than someone else's convenience or feelings.

And the whole body argument fails because it is a temporary arrangement at best. If the child was going to hijack her body for the rest of her life, then you would have an argument but 9 months of inconvenience (in reality 4 months) does not trump another human being's right to live.

We have talked a good bit on this, and other subjects and you seem to be very bright and have high personal standards. So tell me, isn't it an insult to and a constant assault upon your personal integrity to keep trying to find an argument that will justify killing a child? And if you do ever come up with an argument that completely justifies killing unborn children, will you view it as a victory?

I have conceded to virtually all of your arguments.

I remain unsure on birthcontrol pills. I am still thinking.

When it comes to rape I can not concede. For no matter what reasons you logically come up with I am faced with what is essentially a very deep-seated emotional issue. The fact that some one could commit the crime of rape on me, impregnate me and leave me with absolutely no rights, no recourses, no help should I not want the pregnancy. Every right I assumed I had is stripped away - even the most basic natural right to my own biological body. If I can't afford a pregancy, if I have no insurance, no family support, if I lose my job, if I lose my health because in even the best pregnancies the worst can happen quickly and unpredictably? In all this, not only has a horrific crime been committed on me but I am left with the double punishment of a pregnancy I neither wanted nor did anything to warrant. Should I not be able to at least choose whether to carry it on or not?

Is it a victory? No. I don't think the killing of anyone is a victory. Not the killing of innocents in acts of war, not the victims of crime, not abortion, not the killing of those wrongly convicted of capital crimes. Even when it is necessary it will never be a "victory" only a tragedy.

And this is where I find myself getting angry with so-called "pro-life" positions. There is an attitude that woman who may choose abortion do so with no more thought then clipping a toenail. Unless you've been in her shoes - you can't possibly know. This is certainly just as callous and ignorant an argument as those who argue a fetus is just a lump of tissue no different then a kidney. Nothing - in either case - could be further from the truth.
And let me add, the "reality of four months" is erroneous. Some women suffer severe and incapacitating morning sickness during the early part of their pregnancy that is every bit as "inconvenient" as the increasing bulk and physical stress of later pregnancy. It's hard as hell on the body - even in the best of conditions.