Communists and Anarchists argue and fight alot too. We are still both in the left wing. How are Conservatives and Liberals any different?
The ignorance demonstrated in that post is astounding
Ever heard of civil rights, women's rights, child labor laws, women's suffrage, the American War for Independence, Miranda rights, the muckrakers, OSHA, unions, disability insurance...
Besides, you seem to be defining the right wing as the extreme right only. The right wing has many sections. The have Nazis, Conservatives, moderate-republicans, Islamic fundelmentalists, technocrats, objectivists, black power groups, the kkk, and liberals. Very varied, if I do say so myself.
Dear god, you're ignorant. The NAZIs, Islamic fundamentalists, the KKK- all are conservatives. Liberals have never been conservatives because there has ever been a State which truly operated by liberal principles which those who adhere to liberal principles sought to protect.
Conservatism is no political ideology. It has always been the position of those in power who wish to protect their own interests, those who have been deposed wish to return to power, and of their useful idiots. 'Conservatism' is nothing more than a euphemism for reactionists, from the Russian Tzars, to the Ku Kux Klan, to the Christian Coalition, to the forces of King George.
There has never been an ideological liberal on the political Right, for liberalism has been a constant force of progress and has never achieved its ideal, so no liberal has ever been called forth to preserve any truly ideal liberal State.