my posts# 1042, 1048, 1051, once you kept telling me that my POV was closed the discussion, so don't worry, your still not on the same page as I am about when life begins and you will NEVER EVER we agree to disagree.
Your post 1042: You argue that because the law can't stop a person from doing a thing, that it is pointless to have law that makes a thing illegal. Clearly flawed reasoning. Do you argue that we should strike all law since no law can prevent someone from doing a thing if they wish? Name one law, just one that has entirely eradicated the behavior that it outlawed. If you are arguing for the eradication of all law then say so. If you are in acceptance of other laws that can not, and do not preven the behavior they outlaw, then by defintion you are in opposition to your own argument. Of what value is such a point of view?
Your post 1048:
"Malice intent/aggressive assault against another 'human being' is what/why the laws are established...I do not believe as you do that the fetus is a 'human being'...for me they haven't been born nor have they taken a life sustaining breath. BUT that's IMO and there will never be any change in that!"
As we have established, it is not "my" opinion that a fetus is a human being. Enough credible evideince has been presented to establish it as a fact. Your complete inability to provide any credible evidence at all suggesting otherwise puts you in a position of arguing an article of faith against hard credible science that states explicitly that you are wrong.
Suggesting that I am arguing my opinion or my believe rather than simply stating a series of facts does not make it so and as such, your argument is dishonest. Of what value is a dishonest argument?
The remainder of the post was just a series of ad hominem attacks and as such really need no rebuttal. You claim that our logic parts ways when the reality is that logic and proof part ways with your faith and since you are unwilling to give up your faith even when hard evidence proves you wrong, your point of view is of no value.
Your post 1051:
"And here is where the rubber meets the road: you can't discuss the difference in opinions...due to your repetitive assumptions that you, and you alone {sans the cheerleader that applauds your every breath} have the knowledge and the factual documentation to prove that I'm wrong and you are justified in telling me that I am Irrelevant. "
Again, you make the claim that we have a difference in opinion when, in fact, you have never heard my opinion. All I have given you is a series of facts which I have substantiated with ample credible material to leave no doubt to their accuracy. You have presented opinion which has been shown to be in direct opposition to known fact. Of what value do you believe such an opinion to be?
The rest is no more than an ad hominem. Never have I suggested that "I alone" am privy to the facts. Anyone has access to them and I see them used by other posters regularly. In the exchange between you and I, I alone am willing to accept facts and argue my position based on them. You disregard all fact in favor of your faith. Of what value do you believe such an argument to be?
And I never said that you were irrelavent. I said that your argument is and since it is in direct opposition to the facts, it can be nothing but irrelavent unless you place some particular value on dishonesty.
I'm PRO-CHOICE and I do not force my POV onto anyone else.
Of course you do. Your point of view has resulted in the deaths of 40 million children and counting in this country alone. The statement in and of itself is a logical fallacy in that you must beg the question and assume that unborns are nobody. Can you offer up any rational argument or proof that supports that assumption? Of course you can't so of what value is it?
The Supreme Court won't be reviewing this issue this year, next year...most likely not for the next 10 years...but this won't change your hyped up attempt to continue to preach your thoughts around the forum. Continue On!!!
Can you prove any of that or is it just more logical fallacy of begging the question on your part?
Poking back at the simplistic belittling that goes on around here is what we do...they poke fun/ridicule and when they get it served right back then it is my fault...NO, I DON'T THINK SO!!! You've just served up another OPINION about me as you have when you keep telling me that I'm your slurs on my personality and opinion is just as poignant!
As you can see, I have not expressed an opinion about you. I have stated a series of observations and supported them by disproving your arguments. You have no idea what my opinion of you is and I doubt that you ever do as it is not relevantt to the argument. If you want to be relevant, then make relavent arguments. Make arguments that you can prove and substantiate with credible evidence and hard fact. When your opponent is dealing in fact, you must also deal in fact if you wish to be relevant
Unsubstantiated opinion that flies in the face of corroborated fact is, by its very definition, irrellevant.
Refer to the first paragraph of my case your CRS is operating at high speed today.
I understand your arguments perfectly. Perhaps better than you understand them yourself as I am easily able to point out the logical fallacies upon which they are built. Or are you also aware of them and are being deliberately dishonest?