Perfect! You're right, the law gives animals and fetuses the same lack of rights and we're talking about changing the law to recognize that LIFE has value. You apparently wish to continue with the same pattern that we have always used: this life is sacred, this other life is profane. The only difference is that YOU want to change the law just enough to address YOUR issue only. Whereas I wish to see the law changed in the larger context so that we don't have to have these kinds of battles for every new life that is brought under the umbrella of ethical treatment.
When you are fighting to protect all human lives, then you might be taken seriously in your effort to afford animals some rights. Anyone who fights for animals while ignoring the inherent rights of the most defenseless humans, however, is not to be taken seriously.
If a clump of cells is a sacred life, then animals' lives should be sacred as well. Can you make one of your scientific arguments to show us how human life is the only life with intrinsic value?
Why do you find it necessary to try and introduce religion or sacredness into the argument. Is it because you instinctively know that a religious argument has as little merit as your own as it can not be proven? I don't make arguments that I can't prove which is why you are doomed to lose every encounter with me.
Yet we decide to let them die by not using our technology to prolong their lives. We murder them in no less fashion than we murder the unborn.
Sorry, but unilatarally redefining words won't help you win this one. It is murder to kill with intent. If one is so sick or injured that no hope of recovery exists, letting them die is not murder. Murder is murder because it denies a human being thier most basic human right, that is the right to live. You have no right to have extraordinary measures taken on your behalf to extend your life when no real hope for your recovery exists. Face it, if the facts don't support you, word games will not help.
False analogy and you know it.
Sorry, but it is not. You claim that we can depend on education and not the law to protect the unborn. It education can protect the unborn, why exactly can it not be depended upon to protect the rest of us?
Yeah, prohibition worked great. If there are no alternatives provided, then women will continue to end their pregnancies any way they can, just as they have done all down through human history. I don't understand you, Pale, you're not this stupid, you can read history and see that laws banning abortion have never worked very well and have always taken a huge toll in the deaths of women with other children who are left motherless. We have to have the ALTERNATIVES available before the law is changed or we'll never bother with the alternatives because they cost money.
If you knew the history, you wouldn't make such an ignorant statement. Across the country, most people simply didn't drink. The few places where crime ran rampant (with high crime rates prior to prohibition by the way) does not mean that people, in general, didn't obey the law.
And again, you don't seem to grasp the purpose of law. No law can stop anyone from doing anything that they have their mind set on doing. The law merely provides a means to punish those who do it anyway.
Can you name a law that can prevent someone from actually doing a thing if they are determined to do it? A single one will do. That being the case, why is it that you insist that abortion not be banned because there are those who will do it anyway? Are you unable to see the flaw in your logic?
Ronald Reagan, the 2nd worst President ever, closed mental institutions before there were any alternate places for the mentally ill to go and be cared for in this country. Now we have them living under bridges and begging on the street because no one wants to pony up the money to care for them properly. But the worst President still found hundreds of billions to spend on killing people on the other side of the world and our current President has found more hundreds of billions to pay out to giant corporations and banks.
I note that since Reagan, there have been quite a few years of democrat control in both the white house and the houses of congress. Right now, democrats control everything and yet, I don't see anyone clamoring to bring the mentally ill out from under thier bridges. Blaming Regan is hypocritical to say the least and on top of that, it is just another red herring on your part that has nothing to to with killing human beings for reasons that rarely amount to more than convenience.