What ad homenim attacks? LOL.
samsara said:
"You're supposed to have a brain in that head of yours, somewhere. Use it, let logic drive your emotions, instead of vice versa. "
You may be unaware of the fact, but that is an ad hominem attack. It is a suggestion that my intellect is flawed in lieu of an actual argument that proves that my intellect is flawed. Of course, I am not sensitive about such things and therefore am not offended. I understand that when people are unable to rationally defend their positions that the only real options that exist are to act mature and admit it as in the case of genseca and his stance on abortion in cases of rape and incest (the mature thing by the way) or to attack your opponent in a childish fit of emotion. You could only offend me if I held a modicum of respect for you and thus far, you have earned none of that.
When a clash of rights exist, the adult human being's rights over-rides those of the yet to be born human being. Otherwise, a woman body is just a breeding machine.
To date, you have not proved a difference. When a clash of rights exists between an adult and a newborn infant, the adult's rights must give way to the more fundamental rights of the child. When a clash of rights exists between an adult and a child born with ancephaly, that is a child with no brain who will never have a thought, never have a sensation, or anything that even remotely resembles awareness, the adult's rights must give way to the more fundamental rights of that child.
As to to the use of another's bodily functions which I presume you mean when you appeal to emotion with your "breeding machine" comment, when a clash of rights exists between a pair of conjoined twins, when one is as depdendent upon the other as an unborn is dependent upon its mother, the rights of the one who posesses the vital organ or system must give way to the more fundamental right of the dependent twin unless, of course, the dependent twin represents an imminent threat to the other's life.
To date, you have failed to prove any difference at all between an adult, and an unborn at any stage at all beyond the level of maturity and you have just as profoundly failed to prove that your basic human rights are dependent upon your level of maturity. In fact, you have proven no part of your argument and as such, it remains no more than an unsupported, uncorroborated opinion which you are pitting against an argument that rests entirely in fact and makes no claims that have not been substantiated with credible evidence.
Socialsm is socialism, what is for the common good over-riding the right of the individual, and taking a woman's body away from her is the ultimate socialism.
Socialism is socialism? Can you say circular thinking? You are just full of fallacious thinking aren't you?
The protection of the individual right is in no way concerned with the "common" good. Your insistence that others be allowed to do as they wish without regard to the individuals that they kill in the process certainly demonstrates communal thinking but not the wish to protect the individual right above the common good. Perhaps you should take a moment or a decade and actually learn what socialism is and is not, before you fallaciously attempt to inject it into a discussion about abortion.
The Muslims, BTW, claim that God owns our bodies. Would you go that far?
I don't make religious arguments as they are pointless and are no more substantial or provable than your own. The law views us as no more than caretakers and that view suits me fine.