Had you put your child up for adoption, it would be living right now with a family that genuinely wanted a child and was able to care for it and would have paid for your medical expenses during the pregnancy. How was killing it the better choice?
Or they could be a drug addled street person. They could be the next mentally abused Charles Manson.
You are not clairvoyant! You have absolutely no idea whatsoever how anyone's life will turn out.
The bottom line is you want to keep women subservient to men. You speak in lofty terms and struggle to make religious opinions into Constitutional arguments but you have been and always will be wrong.
What you're really doing is cutting off your nose to spite your face for one very obvious reason. Women will never go back. Women make up over half of the population. And although I see no way in hell this would ever happen... the very second that any Political Party set in motion the overturn of Roe v. Wade the other side would immediately set into motion a Constitutional Amendment allowing for a women's control over her own body including the right of choice in regard to an abortion.
Because of the circumstances requiring immediate action this would pass handily and the Political Party supporting those women would be supported in the most serious of ways.
It's really a ridiculous argument once people really understand the BS you're promoting. In your world even today's safe & effective Birth Control Pill would be outlawed because technically if life starts at conception the egg is already fertilized and the Pill contaminates to womb so that it cannot attach "an it's aborted"!
Miscarriages... 10's of thousands of miscarriages happen every single day. Some because the woman refused bed rest, did not follow their doctors advice and risked the loosing of the pregnancy. In your world now they to are now murderers. Maybe we can set up special prison camps just for women who have an abortion or don't follow doctor orders. Criminally investigate every miscarriage.
You're so to the Right of wrong that you make Hitler look like a kid at Woodstock... you know that right?
This is a birth control issue. A women's personal medical privacy issue. A woman's life and health decisions issue. And it should obviously not be decided by you, or me, or the government but the actual WOMAN involved. She has all of the burden. Creating some forced government incubator world my sound just wonderful to you but it is wrong... and it would never ever stand.