Something can be both dependent and a part of something else. When it's entire life support is biologically entertwined with the mother's: endocrine, blood, oxygen, when the mother can reabsorb it in times of biological stress (or for unknown reasons) or if fetal problems dictate it -it can not be said to be an entirely seperate being at that point.{/quote]
You are mistaken. It is not nearly so intertwined with its mother as you seem to believe. Blood for instance. Often the child has a different type than its mom. Its blood is separate. The endocrine systems are separate as well. The child picks up oxygen and nourishment via an exchange within the placenta, but the child is a separate entity.
Personal baggage? No, but I am what I am, and once it is decided that a woman can have no say concerning what goes on in her body - then, if she is carrying it unwillingly - she is little more then an incubator in that case because the child's rights supercede hers. It is no more personal baggage then your arguments when you appeal to emotion or refer to pregnancy and child birth in matters of "convenience" or "inconvenience".
You have your say before you drop your panties. And I know about the rape, but even then, you have not said what the child has done that its life should be forfiet.
And the right to live supercedes all other rights so long as you are not threatening another's life.