So you're saying that conservatives aren't capable politicians?
Not at all. I am saying that progressive policies are based on the nature of man that says something for free is better then working for it. Thus, the progressive politician appeals to the base nature of man, and they have been very successful at doing so.
FDR used this craven nature of man very expertly. As one politician said when BO was elected a crisis should never be wasted. The FRB created a crisis we call the "Great Depression" where people were in a crisis. Instead of allowing the free market to control the depression FDR expanded it by 10 years with his socialist policies, and the expansion of the powers of the federal government. Conservatives opposed the vast majority of these policies, however, FDR skillfully manipulated the USSC, and the race was on. The people demanded more support from the fed, and the beginnings of their dependency were started. Politicians were given the power to spend tax dollars, what Jefferson referred to as the "gratuity of the people", to buy votes, and thus the career politician, not the citizen statesman desired by the Founders, was created.
Conservatives attempted to control the situation, however, they were highly outnumbered. For that reason Progressives in both parties have been able to enact most of their agenda whether it be in the form of welfare for all, education, banking, corporations, whatever.
The one hope that the country has is in groups like the Tea Party. The people are beginning to realize that the government, as controlled by Progressives, will destroy the life they have come to enjoy. They are beginning to see that the Progressive movement is simply another form of Communism, or Fascism, that will destroy the dream of the Founders.
In the world today the United States is a unique, one of a kind, country. If it is destroyed what hope does the rest of the world have?
The left wing ideologues share the same dream as Jermiah Wright, Farrakhan, etc. share, and that is the destruction of America, and its freedoms, those very freedoms they take advantage of to spew forth their anger, hatred, and lies. Does anyone notice that Wright, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, etc., have become millionaires promoting the hatred of the White Man, and does anyone care?
Read this: