
Someone wrote - QUOTE]There you go. The system is working! I love this country. [/QUOTE]

We have record unemployment, declining lifestyles and the future generations
are getting shafted. The system is changing for the worst, Thanks to Obama.
So, you are one of those who believes that a person who does not work, or pay taxes, should be allowed to demand total support from those who do.

Amazing. Why should anyone work then? And then they wonder what has happened to the work ethnic in this country.
Factory jobs going down the toilet because the liberal influence is focused on doing less for more money and then blaming companies for going to other places where people really WANT TO WORK!

and it is the companies fault for wanting to stay solvent!
Factory jobs going down the toilet because the liberal influence...

It gets pretty tiring to here how everything's the blame of liberals. Does any conservative here at HOP have a broader viewpoint? If so, your voice would be greatly appreciated, because right now all I hear are the narrow-minded fools.

Here's a clue for you ATM... everything is not the fault of liberals. I know that's a concept that you just can't seem to grasp, but I'll try to remind you of it on occasion.

Both sides need to work together. Both sides need to balance each other out. I'm sorry you can't see that.
It gets pretty tiring to here how everything's the blame of liberals. Does any conservative here at HOP have a broader viewpoint? If so, your voice would be greatly appreciated, because right now all I hear are the narrow-minded fools.

Here's a clue for you ATM... everything is not the fault of liberals. I know that's a concept that you just can't seem to grasp, but I'll try to remind you of it on occasion.

Both sides need to work together. Both sides need to balance each other out. I'm sorry you can't see that.

Well, you are right about one thing. It is not the liberal that is causing the problem. There are no "liberals", they are progressives.

Now, I am glad you are happy with the welfare class here in the US draining the economy even more so then the military. However, I have asked this question many times, and perhaps you could answer it since it is beyond the ability of all others.

Can you name a Conservative program that has been implemented in the past 60 years?

Then, can you name a progressive program that has succeeded, and not expanded the budget, that has been implemented in the past 100 years?
It gets pretty tiring to here how everything's the blame of liberals. Does any conservative here at HOP have a broader viewpoint? If so, your voice would be greatly appreciated, because right now all I hear are the narrow-minded fools.

Here's a clue for you ATM... everything is not the fault of liberals. I know that's a concept that you just can't seem to grasp, but I'll try to remind you of it on occasion.

Both sides need to work together. Both sides need to balance each other out. I'm sorry you can't see that.
REALLY? not the fault of the liberals??

careful how you think you can prove it ... because people like me (not Republican or Libertarian) think that the little Bush was liberal
Can you name a Conservative program that has been implemented in the past 60 years?

Is this supposed to be a good thing? You have a government whose mission is: ...to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity...

This government presides over a nation 375 million square miles, the home of over 300 million people, and according to you it's a point of pride that over the past 60 years the conservatives haven't implement a single significant government program?

You see my friend, that is why we need both liberals and conservatives. Otherwise, you side just wouldn't get anything done.
REALLY? not the fault of the liberals??


careful how you think you can prove it ... because people like me (not Republican or Libertarian) think that the little Bush was liberal

ATM, I'm not in the habit of proving anything to cranky old men in the middle of temper tantrums. Perhaps if you calm down a little bit, and engage me in a more civil tone, we might actually be able to have a conversation.

But I do get the impression that isn't your idea of a good time.
Is this supposed to be a good thing? You have a government whose mission is: ...to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity...

This government presides over a nation 375 million square miles, the home of over 300 million people, and according to you it's a point of pride that over the past 60 years the conservatives haven't implement a single significant government program?

You see my friend, that is why we need both liberals and conservatives. Otherwise, you side just wouldn't get anything done.

Not at all, and like many others you make too many ASSumptions.

My contention is that all the time we hear from the left wing media, Congress, etc., about how the country is going bankrupt because of "right wing" activities, or how the country is run by the "Conservative Christian". You said it was not a "liberal" thing, and I would disagree save for the point that they are not "liberals", they are progressives.

Prior to Teddy Roosevelt, and for some time after, the country was Conservative. Mattered not if you were a "D", or an "R". Then things changed. The "D's" began to become "P's", and we saw the beginnings of change in the country from its traditional view. So, we begin to see the ruin of the country. This is not to say all was bad, obviously labor laws were a good thing, however, under Roosevelt we got a depression; under Taft we got the "Progressive Income Tax"; under Wilson we got the Federal Reserve Board, the League of Nations, and WW1; under Harding we got the World Court; and the ground was set for FDR. The FRB basically caused the Great Depression, the Progressive Income Tax gave FDR the power to expand its alledged purpose, and gave the Congress, and the Presidency, the power to spend beyond its means, and the race to the bottom was on.

So, that is why I asked if you could name any Conservative programs in effect today. Whether you like it , or not, Conservatives have been shut out of the process for decades, and the country has suffered for it.

BTW, if not for Christian schools, and private schools, Conservatism would be even deader now then what it is.
ATM, I'm not in the habit of proving anything to cranky old men in the middle of temper tantrums. Perhaps if you calm down a little bit, and engage me in a more civil tone, we might actually be able to have a conversation.

But I do get the impression that isn't your idea of a good time.
Whatever ... your post was ANOTHER know it all smoke screen - until a liberal figures out that their way is NOT PROGRESSIVE but REGRESSIVE ... things will never get better.
Re: Consrvatives must either be extrmemly ineffective

or very scarce...

I see them all over the place. So it's not as if they're an endangered species.

But that leads to the question... if they were an endangered species... would they protect themselves?
* Liberals want to say ‘any 13 year old should be allowed to have an abortion without their parent’s consent. Yet, liberals say you should be 22 to possess a weapon. Therefore, you’re old enough to make the incredible permanent and powerful decision to submit your body to an abortion? Yet, you’re not old enough to possess a weapon to protect life and property! Conservatives agree with no weapons for children, even if some of these weapons call themselves Doctor.

* Speaking of abortion… liberal doctors are now stating that the death penalty via a hypodermic needle is cruel and unusual punishment. The doctors say assisting in these legal actions is against their Hippocratic Oath. So, a Doctor can suck the brains out of a baby whose head is sticking out of the birth canal, but they have a problem inserting a needle into a murderer’s vein?

* By the way, Hillary Clinton admitted to having prohibited her 13 year old from getting her ears pierced. She also enrolled Chelsea in a school that refused to distribute condoms to minors. She wants our daughters to be 'footloose and fancy free' like abortion rights for children and access to condoms for children, but raises her own daughter with an attempt at conservative morals?

* Liberals want to say ‘late term abortion should be allowed when the woman’s life is in danger.’ In scientific terms, the baby is passed through the birth canal until the head is exposed. At that point the head is punctured and the brains vacuumed out. At this point in the non-birth, as they are trying to justify it as, hasn't the mother gone through every possible bit of energy and invasiveness her body can go through in a pregnancy? The concept is insulting to anyone with half of a brain - no pun intended.
So you're saying that conservatives aren't capable politicians?

Not at all. I am saying that progressive policies are based on the nature of man that says something for free is better then working for it. Thus, the progressive politician appeals to the base nature of man, and they have been very successful at doing so.

FDR used this craven nature of man very expertly. As one politician said when BO was elected a crisis should never be wasted. The FRB created a crisis we call the "Great Depression" where people were in a crisis. Instead of allowing the free market to control the depression FDR expanded it by 10 years with his socialist policies, and the expansion of the powers of the federal government. Conservatives opposed the vast majority of these policies, however, FDR skillfully manipulated the USSC, and the race was on. The people demanded more support from the fed, and the beginnings of their dependency were started. Politicians were given the power to spend tax dollars, what Jefferson referred to as the "gratuity of the people", to buy votes, and thus the career politician, not the citizen statesman desired by the Founders, was created.

Conservatives attempted to control the situation, however, they were highly outnumbered. For that reason Progressives in both parties have been able to enact most of their agenda whether it be in the form of welfare for all, education, banking, corporations, whatever.

The one hope that the country has is in groups like the Tea Party. The people are beginning to realize that the government, as controlled by Progressives, will destroy the life they have come to enjoy. They are beginning to see that the Progressive movement is simply another form of Communism, or Fascism, that will destroy the dream of the Founders.

In the world today the United States is a unique, one of a kind, country. If it is destroyed what hope does the rest of the world have?

The left wing ideologues share the same dream as Jermiah Wright, Farrakhan, etc. share, and that is the destruction of America, and its freedoms, those very freedoms they take advantage of to spew forth their anger, hatred, and lies. Does anyone notice that Wright, Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, etc., have become millionaires promoting the hatred of the White Man, and does anyone care?

Read this:

So. Does one human being's "right" to not be inconvenienced really outweigh another human being's actual right to live?
I believe the medical community would clearly state the infant (since you want to view it in clinical terms) is half the father's. I believe most humans who believe in God would also say the infant is part God's. I will totally agree with abortion in cases where one receives consent from all three of the partners it takes to produce the miracle of life.
