for instance, there is no law that says that a woman has the right to an abortion. [\QUOTE]
And strangely enough, a few posts back you made the claim that it was law. Do you even know what you are arguing or as I suspect, are you just making it up as you go?
And strangely enough, I did not state that it
was the law,(although the court ruling gave it the
weight of the law) it was someone else. What I was attempting to get through to you is, that semantics do not change anything. For instance, even though a Supreme Court ruling is not technically the same as a law, its effect is the same. Also, "law" can come into existence by precedent as in Marburry vs. Madison which, although it had nothing to do with establishing the Supreme Court as the legitimate entity entitled to interpret the Constitution, established by
precedent that it was. No law was ever passed that gave them that right. And nowhere in the constitution does it state that the Court is so entitled. Nevertheless, your objections notwithstanding, "law"(or what ever you may wish to call it), does not always come about by legislative process.