top gun wrote:
Actually I think there is some sense to be made out of this statement... can't believe I said that
. I think people see the neo-con agenda as much more sinister than they did before Bush. Even though like I've said multiple times the American people and the American voting system would never allow abortion to be taken away permanently there is the Supreme Court appointment issue to always be concerned about. Yet another reason the Dems will continue to win for some time.
But all that aside I think that as soon as the votes present themselves and there is a Democratic President the issue should be cast into law. The majority does favor it 65% to 29%. Let the neo-con sabre rattling about taking away the right be the inspiration to set the course. I'm all for it! Carry on!
1) Bush is not neo-conservative. In actuality, Bush is not strongly conservative at all. If people see it as sinister, it is based on lack of understanding and the blatant misuse of the term.
2) The American people and the American voting system? Right. You have no idea what they will or will not "allow." Dems will win, if they win, because they are feeding the electorate lies, half-truths and using class envy and fear tactics. Nuff said there - that is going off subject.
3) Please cite your source for your 65%-29% margin of support for abortion. I've no doubt that the status quo of "legalized" abortion in the past 34 years has resulted in a growing acceptance of it. 34 years basically represents a generation which has basically lived up to nearly half their expected lifespans with it in place. But then again, many of the respondents to these polls can't even tell you who their state senators are, who the candidates were in the last presidential election, and think that oral sex isn't sex.
Strolling along the ether-highway, a few poll results I found:
L.A. Times poll
-41% favored making abortion illegal with a few exceptions.
-24% favored making abortion always legal
-19% favored making abortion legal most of the time.
-12% favored making abortion totally illegal.
(A local poll, in a strongly liberal area)
-53% with leanings toward making abortion illegal
-43% with leanings toward abortion legality
(Interesting that only 24% favored unrestricted, legal abortion.)
May 2007 CNN Poll
A total of 1028 respondents polled:
-66% thought government should make "partial birth" abortions illegal
-28% thought it should be legal
-50% said they were pro-life
-45% said they were pro-choice
-2% said they didn't know what the terms meant (HUH?)
-2% said they were mixed/both/neither (Must be the Independents)
-1% had no opinion
(Interesting again, that 5% had such ambiguous responses to the actual question
With respect to the abortion issue, would you consider yourself to be pro-choice or pro-life? without being able to answer
A or
B. Thats 51.4 people out of 1028. Quite amazing, really...)