I believe there's been numerous great points in opposition to your opinion. People are in line with the law. The law has stood for decades and stands at this time for a reason. Until it is changed your "opinion" has not reached the level to be considered legal. That speaks for itself.
I have challenged you and then defied you to bring forward any point that invalidates just one of the three legs of my positon. So far, nothing.
And simply waving the decision when you can not defend the decision illustrates the weakness of your position.
You know full well personhood has not been established before viability. You've said that yourself. There is a distinction in the law for good reason.
So now you begin to lie blatantly? I have never suggested that personhood has anything to do with viability. And precedent has been established and continues to accumulate for the personhood of the unborn. People are in prison today having been charged with both murder and manslaughter for killing unborns. One can be charged with neither if one has not killed a person.
Why not hunt down and try for murder every solider and their commander that commits collateral damage when full blown innocent women & children are killed? The reason isn't because it's an accident. Everyone knows collateral damage is a fact of bombing. The reason is that there are many circumstances (this is just one) where there are surrounding mitigating circumstances that allow for the ending of life. And this is far more than stopping 2 cells from developing with a Birth Control Pill or having an abortion before there are even brain waves. In an imperfect world the law must be allowed to make these distinctions... and they do.
The deliberate and premeditated killing of an innocent is a crime even during war time.
Come on you know there is nothing biological new at all. You know it... everyone knows it. I can go back to the time of the original decision and find all the same "it's a human being" arguments there are now. And you also know personhood has never been established in regard to a woman's right to chose.
They were arguments then with little science to back them up. Today, they are backed by the entire scientific community as no credible scientist would suggest that the offspring of two human beings is ever anything but a human being.
There's not even a case before the Supreme Court considering the overturning of Roe. Cite me the case? It's been 34 years surly some case has had time to work its way through the courts in 34 years. The truth is that the country will never allow Roe to be overturned. The genie is out of the bottle my friend. But you're entitled to believe the South will rise again if you want.
There are no less than 15 cases working their way through the superior courts that challenge roe. If you are interested, feel free to do the research on your own, or sit back smugly and be surprised as roe is eroded until it falls.
And while you are at it, research the couple of hundred times the court has reversed itself. Most of those cases stood over 34 years before they were overturned. The amount of time a case stands means nothing.
Roe established that it was unconstitutional to prohibit a women the right to chose. Laws from that point on had to be in line with that United States Supreme Court decision.
Show me a right to kill one's child in the constitution. Hell, show me something that can be construed to be a right to kill one's child in the constitution. I have asked this before and then, as now, you will be quite unable to defend the decison because no such right may be found within the constitution.
Well you may have a decent analogy here. The odds that slavery will be reinstated is probably the same as the odds America is going to make abortion illegal and start throwing American women into prison for murder for taking the current Birth Control Pill. If you just stop for one second and think how ridiculous that sounds and also take into consideration the real number of voting age adults (women & men) that would infuriate... even you know that's never really going to happen.
Here is another place where your reason fails. America didn't make abortion legal. Nine unelected, and unaccountable judges did and it was a very liberal court that did it. Roe rests entirely on how liberal the court is. A court that is concerned more with constitutional integrity than liberal social engineering can overturn the decision as easily as the liberal cout found it.
If America had legalized abortion, then law would have been written and legislated by the houses of congress. If America had legalized abortion, then this argument wouldn't exist because it would be very difficult to ever change the law. Of course, you know as well as I that in spite of your claim that the majority's approval of roe that abortion on demand woud have a snowball's chance in hell of making it through the house and senate.
I believe that we are a nation of laws. It would be anarchy if we weren't. This case was litigated in full all the way to the court of last resort. I give the high court my support on this issue. I'm pleased women can choose their own path. Choose not to have an abortion, but also not be jailed because they refuse to have their bodies hijacked by the government forced to be government incubators.
But it isn't law and is entirely dependent upon the relative liberalism or conservativism of the court. The present court is quite a different creature than the one that decided roe.
And be pleased all you like but the fact remains that you are quite unable to defend the roe decision. If there were a good defense of it, it would be well circulated by the pro choice movement and you would have little difficulty knocking at least one of the legs from my position rather than finding yourself reduced to personal attacks against me and sanctimonious platitudes proclaiming the righteousness of abortion.