Cash, don't be disappointed in George! As I've remarked many times, America's progressive Democrats are wrong virtually 100% of the time. When it appears that one of our Conservative principles has been proven wrong, we will always discover that such "proof" presented against us is illusory and oversimplified.
There are innumerable sources that support my contentions below, but to satisfy the leftist community, I selected PBS as the source for both links. The quotes are from Washington's Farewell Speech.
Washington's comments were all based on the accepted norms of his day. Washington believed that "morality" and Judeo-Christian principles were absolute necessities among our citizens if our Republic was to live long and prosper. In other words, it's upon such moral pillars as personal responsibility, integrity, honesty, objectivity, self-reliance, and a strong sense of honor upon which our Republic was built, and upon which it's survival depends! To support my contention, I offer the following quote:
"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should labour to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere Politician, equally with the pious man ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."
Whereas George
may have agreed that some gun-control might be good for the nation, it would be with the prerequisite that a Constitutional Amendment would be needed first! Leftists have accomplished their gun-control measures surreptitiously through activist judges and illegal legislation; "usurpation" in Washington's words! Washington believed that Constituional Amendment was necessary to change the founders' intended Constitutional guarantees! As is most often the case, George was right in his belief! I offer the following quote:
"If in the opinion of the People the distribution or modification of the Constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed."
The above two beliefs of Washington are 100% consistent with our Conservative position that (1) our Constitution means what it says, and our Rights guaranteed in it cannot be restricted in any manner but with Constitutional Amendment, and that (2) with a principled and moral citizenry, we'll have fewer people who'd kill others for any reason other than self-defense.
Whenever a Conservative fears that the left has caught him/her with a "gotcha", he/she just hasn't thought-through the position fully and discovered the leftist errors!