Which of your rights need to be banned for you to not be stabbed to death?
Which of your rights need to be banned to keep you from being beaten to death?
Once you're "safe", do you have any rights left?
GenSeneca, most people, if they had a choice, would take their chances at being attacked with a KNIFE, rather than shot at with a gun.
And, as you probably already know, a very striking example of the difference was (unfortunately) provided a few weeks ago, when the day prior to the Sandy Hook shooting that led to the DEATH of 20 children and 8 adults (including the gunman), a very similar incident happened in a school in China, where an old, mentally ill man stabbed a woman outside a school and 22 children inside the school. ALL people who were injured survived, and only 2 of the children suffered fairly significant injuries (cut ears, I believe?) and had to remain in the hospital. EVERYONE ELSE was either never even taken to the hospital, or were taken to the hospital and release the same day with very minor injuries.
So. . .yes, if we could avoid all (or even 1/2) of the deaths by firearms that this country suffers every year, if we could eliminate just that part of homicides from our nation, I would take my chance with "other" types of homicides, including knives.
It is obvious to me at least that, unless you cannot count on your children being safe in their school, in your safety being assured in a theater, a college, a shopping mall, or just going home from a trip to a convenience store to buy tea and skittle. . .every other kind of "liberties" pale in comparison!
Do you believe that the gun owners among the parents of Sandy Hooks children feel that. . .as long as they keep the right to own as many firearms and as many large capacities ammunitions they want in their home, as long as they can carry a concealed weapon. . .the death of the children is just a "wrinkle" in the system, and that their "right" have not been infringed on?
I do not think so.