Well, you sure have the appearances of being ticked-off. So you admit both sides use Alinsky tactics. That sounds like standard dirty campaigning that everyone does, no matter who they learned it from. Fight dirty, and tell lies. If one side does it the other side shouts to the world that they are fighting dirty and telling lies. Too bad it's that way, but the people on both sides fall for it.
No, I don't admit that both sides use Alinsky tactics. Re-read my post carefully. My position is that the Republican-Party does
not use Alinsky's tactics. Most Republicans hold onto the mistaken impression that leftwing Democrats possess good character, and will return Republican civility in kind. Most Republicans make themselves into easy targets for corrupt, leftwing demogogues. I try to not be easy!
If you were only accusing
me of using Alinsky tactics when they're being used on me, I fully admit that I do! Mea Culpa. However, I won't apologize for not rolling over and playing dead when I see bigotry, nor when I and/or my Conservative brothers and sisters are attacked unfairly and personally. Those who'd practice Alinsky's tactics on me should be prepared to have them returned in spades.
Of course Romney didn't didn't accuse Obama of using racism, sexism and grandmothers from cliffs, etc. That kind of dirt was specific to Romney. Romney had his specific dirt on Obama. Both sides flung poo.
So, you're telling us that Romney
deserved the attacks leveled at him by leftwing demogogues?? Romney is a racist, a sexist, and he hates poor people???? I sure hope that's NOT what you're telling us.
Romney could have easily accused Obama of racism and bigotry. He had a lot of examples to use in support of such accusations. Witnesses from Obama's DOJ testified before Congress that it is
official DOJ policy to enforce civil rights laws for those citizens with a dark skin color, but
not enforce the same laws if a white citizen has been the victim of descrimination. That is the same thing done by some southern States during the civil-rights era of the 50's and 60's, a government-condoned racism! The DOJ policy is racist. This is but one more example of this President ignoring the laws he doesn't like, enforcing those that he does like, and selectively applying other laws in a way that's best for his voting base. Such an approach to law enforcement is not only bigoted, but criminal as well, and is an outright violation of his oath of office.
Do you really think leftists expect you to sit by quietly and be civil? That's oversimplifying it. On the whole, I have to agree with Openmind,/quote]
My statement wasn't the least bit oversimplified. Obviously I'm correct in what I said! As evidence; reference your response when I DID open my mouth and return incivility with incivility! Based upon your response to my post, one can deduce that you expected me to sit quietly and respond civily. I didn't sit quietly and absorb the abuse, and you're now criticizing me for doing that.
In science I learned that I should be my own strongest critic. Too bad more people aren't that way.
In science I learned that the most important characteristic of a scientist is impartiality/Objectivity. I'm having a hard time finding impartiality and objectivity in a scientist who would ignore or condone a tactic when used by one side, yet criticize the same tactic when used by someone with whom he disagrees. Such non-objective observation can often result in wrong conclusions.
