This can't end good.

I can prove that leftists called mostly peaceful protests against fraud "extremely violent" and mostly violent leftist riots "mostly peaceful and justified."

that isn't what you claimed originally, so when asked to stop lying, you change your story. lol
Name them and show they have proof
Show the signed authorization
I fear that your window of opportunity to contribute in my exchanges is quickly closing.


Because you dont know anything.

Maybe there is a need for you to create a new forum.

House of Politics Jr.

And there, people like you can pretend to debate.

Of course courts are not obligated to try to find out how many illegal votes were cast for Biden in 2020. Democrats know how hard it would be to try to figure that out, especially with no cooperation from bent election officials.
In Georgia Trump said there was over 5000 votes from dead people.
In fact, that particular claim was audited and , wait for it, 2 were found.
Now you want us to believe all your other claims. Don't make me vomit.
I get it. You hate Trump and conservative Christians who know Democrats stole the election by fraud in spite of God's disapproval.
I hate Trump for what he has done to USA.
I hate all religions for all the same reasons.
Not one Christian has proven the election was stolen and there is no evidence god gave his approval for anything. There is no god so stop leaning on that feeble excuse.
You voted for him in 2016 so cut the lies.
You are a hard person. You falsely accuse me of lying just like so many anti-American leftists falsely accuse President Trump of lying. Sadly, lost people are like that. They sort of love their friends but clearly hate those they see as enemies.
I voted for Cruz in the 2016 primary and against Hillary in the 2016 general election.
In Georgia Trump said there was over 5000 votes from dead people.
In fact, that particular claim was audited and , wait for it, 2 were found.
Now you want us to believe all your other claims. Don't make me vomit.
I don't believe leftist claims that only a few votes of dead people were cast. The way to resolve the conflicting reports would be for both sides to present their arguments and evidence before the public for all to judge
If leftists did commit fraud (and we know fraud was committed since both sides agree that dead people voted) then we should expect them to lie about it, especially if they did their own investigations of themselves.
I hate Trump for what he has done to USA.
I hate all religions for all the same reasons.
Not one Christian has proven the election was stolen and there is no evidence god gave his approval for anything. There is no god so stop leaning on that feeble excuse.
Your opinions are similar to the opinions of other God and Trump haters. I do not agree with you about those things.
I don't believe leftist claims that only a few votes of dead people were cast. The way to resolve the conflicting reports would be for both sides to present their arguments and evidence before the public for all to judge
If leftists did commit fraud (and we know fraud was committed since both sides agree that dead people voted) then we should expect them to lie about it, especially if they did their own investigations of themselves.
Don't have to. Raffensburger testified and showed the evidence.
Suck it up princess.