Wouldn't it be more honest to compare Obama to the "socialists" of Western Europe, rather than the worst despots of western civilization?
The "Obama is Marxist", "Obama is Hitler", "Obama is Stalin" crap simply doesn't convince any thinking people. Obama is a liberal Democrat. You don't like liberal Democrats. We get it. He is not comparable to any of the leaders you just pictured. Why you left off Pol Pot or Ghengis Khan, I'm not sure. Why not just make a list of the worst of the worst, and add Obama to that?
Hype by the opposition most likely had a lot to do with getting Obama elected. Anyone who believed that garbage would not have voted for a Democrat if he were running against Voldemort, and it just turned off the independent voters.
If you take off the partisan blinders, Obama really is not that much different from his predecessor.
And, if you recall my posts during the Bush administration, you might recall I was not exactly a fan. I'm no fan of Obama's big government agenda any more than I was of Bush's, but Hitler, Mao, Marx, etc.? C'mon, that's just silly.