An Absurd Combination

The little gun-packing scardy cats seem to be flocking together.

We're not the ones who are afraid of weapons. We're not the ones who will end up laying on a morgue slab because they carried their inane attitude instead of a weapon. We're not the ones that haven't bothered to know, understand, and honor our history. We're not the ones that don't honor the Constitution and the founders. We're not the "victim in waiting".

A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives a moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball, and others of that nature, are too violent for the body, and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks.
Thomas Jefferson to Peter Carr -- August 19, 1785
We're not the ones who are afraid of weapons. We're not the ones who will end up laying on a morgue slab because they carried their inane attitude instead of a weapon. We're not the ones that haven't bothered to know, understand, and honor our history. We're not the ones that don't honor the Constitution and the founders. We're not the "victim in waiting".

Bob is RIGHT Greco! There's a time honored tradition of handing guns out at school?:confused:

Well... well... at least understand and honor the Constitution enough to bring back slavery and take away women's right to vote!

For god sake man buy an Uzi... it'll make you really really tough.
Bob is RIGHT Greco! There's a time honored tradition of handing guns out at school?:confused:

Well... well... at least understand and honor the Constitution enough to bring back slavery and take away women's right to vote!

For god sake man buy an Uzi... it'll make you really really tough.

And of course TG still insists on talking like a complete *****.

Here's a cluepon for you tg, back in the day, schools DID hand out guns, specifically Pellet Rifles and .22's as part of JROTC Marksmanship training. So did the Boy Scouts, and nobody shot up the schools either! Then again, every boy (and some of the girls) carried pocket knives to school too, and nobody got cut or stabbed!

You also neglect to acknowledge that honoring the Constitution includes honoring the 13th, and 19th Amendments, but then honoring the constitution is something that libtards simply don't do, as evinced by the Kenyan illegal immigrant that you just elected.

Oh yeah, and buying an uzi won't make you tough, anyone can buy one, but being able to empty the magazine with one pull of the trigger and keeping all 30 rounds in the 8 ring at 50 meters isn't something that everyone can do, but of course you wouldn't know anything about that would you....PANSY!

It never ceases to amaze me how it's always the gutless blunders on the left, who don't own guns, don't carry guns, and most of whom have never even fired a gun (because they make a loud BOOM, and they're SCARY) are the ones who accuse those of us who DO own them, maintain our proficiency with them, and carry them, as the "'frady cats".

I'm sure there's a proper psychological name for the disorder where someone transfers their phobia onto someone else in order to try to keep people from realizing it's their own, but I don't know the name of it.
And of course TG still insists on talking like a complete *****.

Here's a cluepon for you tg, back in the day, schools DID hand out guns, specifically Pellet Rifles and .22's as part of JROTC Marksmanship training. So did the Boy Scouts, and nobody shot up the schools either! Then again, every boy (and some of the girls) carried pocket knives to school too, and nobody got cut or stabbed!

Well here's a cluepon back at ya. Boy Scouts is a PRIVATE CLUB not a public school. And neither I nor anyone in my family of any age remembers schools passing out firearms for the kids at school and especially not to just carry around school anytime they like. Which is what this thread is about.

And what happened when everyone could carry knives at school? It became West Side Story with the Sharks and the Jets in a lot of places. Hence they were banned!

You also neglect to acknowledge that honoring the Constitution includes honoring the 13th, and 19th Amendments, but then honoring the constitution is something that libtards simply don't do, as evinced by the Kenyan illegal immigrant that you just elected.

Those are AMENDMENTS... not the ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION you *****.

Oh yeah, and buying an uzi won't make you tough, anyone can buy one, but being able to empty the magazine with one pull of the trigger and keeping all 30 rounds in the 8 ring at 50 meters isn't something that everyone can do, but of course you wouldn't know anything about that would you....PANSY!

:)The whole 3rd Cavalry wouldn't make you tough. You're just a petrified little man that doesn't really need a gun but has them around to make up for other shortcomings.;)

It never ceases to amaze me how it's always the gutless blunders on the left, who don't own guns, don't carry guns, and most of whom have never even fired a gun (because they make a loud BOOM, and they're SCARY) are the ones who accuse those of us who DO own them, maintain our proficiency with them, and carry them, as the "'frady cats".

You obviously don't read. I've owned probably 30 guns... and listed many of them. I still to this day still own 2 handguns... a Beretta model 70S .380 and a Dan Wesson .357 magnum complete pistol pack with case and all three interchangable barrels and custom ordered shooting grips.

I'm sure there's a proper psychological name for the disorder where someone transfers their phobia onto someone else in order to try to keep people from realizing it's their own, but I don't know the name of it.

Bob the Builder.:rolleyes:
I just want to make something VERY clear here
this is NOT a "left" vs "right" argument.

The whole "cons" vs "libs" bit is a distraction from what is really going on.

What we have (or at least supposed to have) is a Constitutional Republic,
there are those individuals who would prefer to have an olagarchy.
a small un-elected "board of directors" who get to decide EVERYTHING
because they consider themselves to be so much smarter than everybody else.

Sad really, they have the wepon of mass deception (that is TV) to play with and they just may suceed in convincing the AMERICAN public that its nessisary for the Olagarchy to take over for the good of the county.
Ya, right.... sick and twisted!

oh well.....

Bust the emperor for indecent exposure!
Oh yeah, and buying an uzi won't make you tough, anyone can buy one, but being able to empty the magazine with one pull of the trigger and keeping all 30 rounds in the 8 ring at 50 meters isn't something that everyone can do, but of course you wouldn't know anything about that would you....PANSY!

It never ceases to amaze me how it's always the gutless blunders on the left, who don't own guns, don't carry guns, and most of whom have never even fired a gun (because they make a loud BOOM, and they're SCARY) are the ones who accuse those of us who DO own them, maintain our proficiency with them, and carry them, as the "'frady cats".

I'm sure there's a proper psychological name for the disorder where someone transfers their phobia onto someone else in order to try to keep people from realizing it's their own, but I don't know the name of it.

I like it, Bob, Jesus was a PANSY, He didn't fight back, He said to love your enemies, He said to return good for evil, love your neighbor, turn the other cheek--God! He must have been a queer, right? What a pussy, what a loser! Not a REAL man like you.:rolleyes:
I like it, Bob, Jesus was a PANSY, He didn't fight back, He said to love your enemies, He said to return good for evil, love your neighbor, turn the other cheek--God! He must have been a queer, right? What a pussy, what a loser! Not a REAL man like you.:rolleyes:

And exactly WTF does Jesus have to do with the Second Amendment? Oh, that's right...NOTHING!
And exactly WTF does Jesus have to do with the Second Amendment? Oh, that's right...NOTHING!

Hey, you were the one measuring the size of a man's penis by the guns he packs, I just noted that Jesus disagreed with everything you've posted, I think, so I guess that makes Him a pansy.
Hey, you were the one measuring the size of a man's penis by the guns he packs, I just noted that Jesus disagreed with everything you've posted, I think, so I guess that makes Him a pansy.

Are you a woman, or are you gay? Nobody but the resident libtarded a$$wipes are talking about comparing a weapon to any part of anyone's anatomy, least of all me. I suppose that all of the women who have gotten their CCW's and started carrying every day are trying to make up for their lack of mammary prominence too?

And you also haven't answered my question; WTF does Jesus Christ have to do with a discussion of the 2nd Amendment? I was under the impression that most liberals were all about the mythical "separation of church and state", or is that only when it's convenient? Yup, liberals are completely incapable of dealing with any subject honestly, or actually abiding by and honoring the Constitution, they use it like an ala carte menu, picking and choosing what they like, and wiping their butts with the rest.
Are you a woman, or are you gay? Nobody but the resident libtarded a$$wipes are talking about comparing a weapon to any part of anyone's anatomy, least of all me. I suppose that all of the women who have gotten their CCW's and started carrying every day are trying to make up for their lack of mammary prominence too?

And you also haven't answered my question; WTF does Jesus Christ have to do with a discussion of the 2nd Amendment? I was under the impression that most liberals were all about the mythical "separation of church and state", or is that only when it's convenient? Yup, liberals are completely incapable of dealing with any subject honestly, or actually abiding by and honoring the Constitution, they use it like an ala carte menu, picking and choosing what they like, and wiping their butts with the rest.

First off, Bob, I'm not sure that we have established that I am a liberal. Second, I was poking fun at the macho-man posturing going on about guns and especially your denigrating comments about people who don't have them.

It's the Religious right folks who maintain that this is a Christian country, do you disagree? More than 80% of the people in the US identify themselves as Christians. I was once again poking fun at the "kill a Commie for Christ" mentality that permeates the conservatively oriented segment of the population.

I had to laugh when you made my point for me yet again with your "Are you a woman, or are you gay?" comment. Only a woman or a queer would disagree with you about guns, right? I am indeed a woman. Why are you so foul-mouthed? Can't you make a point without scatological invective? It's hard to respect a man with a gun/violence/fear fetish and a potty mouth.

No, I don't think the women with concealed weapons permits are compensating for anything because I don't see any of them doing the weenie-wagger dance that you are here on this discussion site. I wouldn't think you were either except for all the stuff you've posted. You're so macho and studdly that you are practically a parody of yourself.

It takes great courage to be compassionate, kind, loving, and forgiving. My comments about Jesus were to point up the dichotomy between frightened little men with big guns and a man who was so strong that He didn't need ordinance to prop up His ego... or His dick.
First off, Bob, I'm not sure that we have established that I am a liberal.
From what I've read of your, there's no doubt that you are a liberal.
Second, I was poking fun at the macho-man posturing going on about guns and especially your denigrating comments about people who don't have them.
Oh, so you find something amusing about people who take their responsibilities for firearms safety and proficiency? As far as people who don't have and maintain their proficiency with weapons, I hold them in total contempt, because they are intentionally failing to meet their fiduciary responsibilities as an American citizen.
It's the Religious right folks who maintain that this is a Christian country, do you disagree? More than 80% of the people in the US identify themselves as Christians. I was once again poking fun at the "kill a Commie for Christ" mentality that permeates the conservatively oriented segment of the population.
As far as this discussion is concerned, religion is a total non sequitur. You mentioned it to try to get the discussion going in some other direction, and it's not going to happen. Religion has NO part in a discussion of the 2nd Amendment.
I had to laugh when you made my point for me yet again with your "Are you a woman, or are you gay?" comment. Only a woman or a queer would disagree with you about guns, right? I am indeed a woman. Why are you so foul-mouthed? Can't you make a point without scatological invective? It's hard to respect a man with a gun/violence/fear fetish and a potty mouth.
It's been my experience that only women and gays try to make comparisons about weapons and genitals. I have no idea where that silly little game got started, but it's as stupid now as it it's ever been. As far as your aversion to "potty mouth", if you honestly feel that way then I'm calling BS on your claim to own, or for that matter, to have ever worked anywhere near the construction industry.
No, I don't think the women with concealed weapons permits are compensating for anything because I don't see any of them doing the weenie-wagger dance that you are here on this discussion site. I wouldn't think you were either except for all the stuff you've posted. You're so macho and studdly that you are practically a parody of yourself.
You don't know anything about me Mare, but I've already figured you out. You're yet another in a long line of liberal, sit around in a circle-jerk singing Kumbya, and wishing for everyone to be nice, oh yeah, and don't forget world peace. You're also jealous as hell because every man in your life has been nothing but a limp-dicked metro-sexual gutless pansy and you just WISH that you'd found a real man who would even have anything to do with you!
It takes great courage to be compassionate, kind, loving, and forgiving. My comments about Jesus were to point up the dichotomy between frightened little men with big guns and a man who was so strong that He didn't need ordinance to prop up His ego... or His dick.
No it doesn't. ANYONE can be "compassionate, kind, loving, and forgiving", especially when they live in a country that was built, and is protected by men who had the REAL courage to pick up a weapon and go face down those who are trying to kill you, your family, and your countrymen. To me, a weapon is no different than a hammer or a saw, it's a tool that is designed and used for a specific purpose, and just like a hammer and a saw, it takes time, and practice to become and remain proficient in their use. Do you want people building YOUR house who don't know what their doing with their tools? Do you want someone riding a patrol through your neighborhood who doesn't know how to properly use his weapon? No, morons like you denigrate those who do what you yourself are incapable of, and make fun of them to cover for your own inadequacies, and it's pathetic.
From what I've read of your, there's no doubt that you are a liberal.
Because I don't cotton to gun-dummies? We've discussed very little except guns and violence so maybe you're just suffering from premature assumption.

Oh, so you find something amusing about people who take their responsibilities for firearms safety and proficiency? As far as people who don't have and maintain their proficiency with weapons, I hold them in total contempt, because they are intentionally failing to meet their fiduciary responsibilities as an American citizen.
It's not the proficiency that amuses me, it's the macho braggadocio. I'm 60 years old, I've never needed to kill anybody nor carry a gun for protection. How many times have you fired your weapon in anger or in an emergency? You talk like you have to kill felons and druggies several times a week. Most policemen go through their whole service and never fire their gun at anybody, so how desperately do you need one?

As far as this discussion is concerned, religion is a total non sequitur. You mentioned it to try to get the discussion going in some other direction, and it's not going to happen. Religion has NO part in a discussion of the 2nd Amendment.
It's often good to bring ethics/morality/philosophy into discussions because it allows me to learn a bit more about the person with whom I am discussing. Your position speaks volumes about you.

It's been my experience that only women and gays try to make comparisons about weapons and genitals. I have no idea where that silly little game got started, but it's as stupid now as it it's ever been. As far as your aversion to "potty mouth", if you honestly feel that way then I'm calling BS on your claim to own, or for that matter, to have ever worked anywhere near the construction industry.
You're right about one thing, macho men don't go around admitting that they are using their guns as penis substitutes, many of them don't even realize it themselves, and the ones who do know it stop doing it or pretend they don't know.

I'm sorry to be the one to mention this to you, Bob, but THIS isn't a construction site, this is a DISCUSSION site. Lots of things go on at construction sites that have no place in a discussion. An inability to speak without profanity indicates that one is a verbal cripple. Mark Twain said that swear words should be treated like the American flag, kept folded up in the bottom dresser drawer and only brought out and unfurled in all their glory on special occasions.

You don't know anything about me Mare, but I've already figured you out.
I don't know much about you, but you know all about me? Just another symptom of a tumescent ego, eh?

You're yet another in a long line of liberal, sit around in a circle-jerk singing Kumbya, and wishing for everyone to be nice, oh yeah, and don't forget world peace. You're also jealous as hell because every man in your life has been nothing but a limp-dicked metro-sexual gutless pansy and you just WISH that you'd found a real man who would even have anything to do with you!
Oh my, Bob, you have no idea how off the mark you are. Real men don't have to strut and pontificate.

No it doesn't. ANYONE can be "compassionate, kind, loving, and forgiving", especially when they live in a country that was built, and is protected by men who had the REAL courage to pick up a weapon and go face down those who are trying to kill you, your family, and your countrymen. To me, a weapon is no different than a hammer or a saw, it's a tool that is designed and used for a specific purpose, and just like a hammer and a saw, it takes time, and practice to become and remain proficient in their use. Do you want people building YOUR house who don't know what their doing with their tools? Do you want someone riding a patrol through your neighborhood who doesn't know how to properly use his weapon? No, morons like you denigrate those who do what you yourself are incapable of, and make fun of them to cover for your own inadequacies, and it's pathetic.
It's called "rock logic" as opposed to "water logic", an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, for more than 10,000 years we have been practicing this archaic Might is Right philosophy, and what has it gotten us? Empires rise and fall, the tough guy of today is tomorrow's corpse, someday we have to learn to get along with each other and that is far more difficult than blasting away with guns. The men and women who patrol our neighborhood are hired to do that, trained to deal with the public as non-violently as possible and they do not stut around like little Napoleons on discussion sites.

I suppose we could continue this meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society, but what's the point? Would you still be able to be a man if you didn't have guns? You accuse me of making fun of the people who protect us and that's not true, I respect them. It's the little men with big guns, bragging in public, calling other people names, denigrating women and gay people as being lacking in value because they don't behave like you do. Come back and talk to me about my "pathetic inadequacies" after you have spent 23 hours in child-birth. All the guns in the world won't make anyone a man.
Because I don't cotton to gun-dummies? We've discussed very little except guns and violence so maybe you're just suffering from premature assumption.

Nope, I lurked around for over a month on and off, and I've read plenty of your liberalistic clap-trap.

It's not the proficiency that amuses me, it's the macho braggadocio. I'm 60 years old, I've never needed to kill anybody nor carry a gun for protection. How many times have you fired your weapon in anger or in an emergency? You talk like you have to kill felons and druggies several times a week. Most policemen go through their whole service and never fire their gun at anybody, so how desperately do you need one?

And exactly what "braggadocio" are you talking about? We're about the same age, but the difference is that I have had to kill people in the line of duty, both in the military and in my duty as an Aux. Deputy Sheriff. Too many times I've seen the end result of people like you who were devout 'anti-gun' idiots who called in scared sh*tless out of their minds when someone broke in, but by the time we got there, they were either dead, or wishing that they were. What REALLY pisses me off about it the most though is when they or their survivors start screaming about "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO GET THERE AND HELP HER???". It's simple, IT'S NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT YOU!! It's YOUR responsibility to protect yourself. All we're authorized to do is to investigate a crime ONCE IT'S BEEN COMMITTED, arrest any suspects, and present them to the courts, PERIOD!

It's often good to bring ethics/morality/philosophy into discussions because it allows me to learn a bit more about the person with whom I am discussing. Your position speaks volumes about you.

Yeah, right. I've spent the better part of my life, either in uniform defending this nation, or serving as an Aux. Deputy Sheriff serving my community, and you're not qualified to discuss ethics, morality, philosophy, or much of anything else on this subject with me, and you won't be until you've walked a mile in my shoes, and seen the end result of the gross stupidity and ignorance that you espouse.

You're right about one thing, macho men don't go around admitting that they are using their guns as penis substitutes, many of them don't even realize it themselves, and the ones who do know it stop doing it or pretend they don't know.

You are completely mental aren't you? You don't know the first thing about what you're talking about, and yet you continue to try! Do yourself, and the world a favor and STFU before everybody figures out how stupid you really are.

I'm sorry to be the one to mention this to you, Bob, but THIS isn't a construction site, this is a DISCUSSION site. Lots of things go on at construction sites that have no place in a discussion. An inability to speak without profanity indicates that one is a verbal cripple.
Mark Twain said that swear words should be treated like the American flag, kept folded up in the bottom dresser drawer and only brought out and unfurled in all their glory on special occasions.

Samuel Clemens was a self eggrandizing a$$hole, and his writing style is amateurish at best, but I'm sure you think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, storebought milk, and peanut butter.

As for the rest of your rant, grow a brain and learn how to use it, or go tend to your grandchildren and leave the thinking for the men, because you're obviously not very good at it.

I will give you credit for one thing thought, you're right when you say that a gun doesn't make a man a man, but it takes a man to pick up a weapon, and put himself between sheeple like you and the bad guys who want to rob, rape, and kill you, and that's ME.
Nope, I lurked around for over a month on and off, and I've read plenty of your liberalistic clap-trap.
Ya, that is exactly what a stalker does...gee, and now you admit to it, how sweet...I love your honesty, it is sooo refreshing!
And exactly what "braggadocio" are you talking about? We're about the same age, but the difference is that I have had to kill people in the line of duty, both in the military and in my duty as an Aux. Deputy Sheriff. Too many times I've seen the end result of people like you who were devout 'anti-gun' idiots who called in scared sh*tless out of their minds when someone broke in, but by the time we got there, they were either dead, or wishing that they were. What REALLY pisses me off about it the most though is when they or their survivors start screaming about "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO GET THERE AND HELP HER???". It's simple, IT'S NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT YOU!! It's YOUR responsibility to protect yourself. All we're authorized to do is to investigate a crime ONCE IT'S BEEN COMMITTED, arrest any suspects, and present them to the courts, PERIOD! how does that go..."TO SERVE AND PROTECT"...ya, why I do believe that is quite what was it that you were hired to do??? besides to allow vigilante justice to run supreme...LMAO
Yeah, right. I've spent the better part of my life, either in uniform defending this nation, or serving as an Aux. Deputy Sheriff serving my community, and you're not qualified to discuss ethics, morality, philosophy, or much of anything else on this subject with me, and you won't be until you've walked a mile in my shoes, and seen the end result of the gross stupidity and ignorance that you espouse.
Once again I will ask: why do you come here if all you want is a platform to spew your hate/vitriol/vile name calling around??? {well you have managed to pick up one admirer 'brains in the box'}...but the rest of us have tried to carry on a discussion with you and this is the way in which it always ends up...why is that :confused: Who peed in your morning cereal, each and every morning :eek:
You are completely mental aren't you? You don't know the first thing about what you're talking about, and yet you continue to try! Do yourself, and the world a favor and STFU before everybody figures out how stupid you really are.
Now where is that self anointed room monitor when you start this **** fest and go around spewing this crap..."Hey, BRAINS IN THE BOX"...where is that 'magic marker' hiding now...hmmm!!! Did you piss her off too and she's got you on IGNOR???
Samuel Clemens was a self eggrandizing a$$hole, and his writing style is amateurish at best, but I'm sure you think he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, storebought milk, and peanut butter.
Insult and then come back with a question and another SLAM...and yet here you are still asking questions from Mare!!!
As for the rest of your rant, grow a brain and learn how to use it, or go tend to your grandchildren and leave the thinking for the men, because you're obviously not very good at it.
Oh, my, my, my that ought to warrant a 'negative magic marker' from the 'all anointed one' where is that 'Brains in the box'...surely she's not afraid of you is she?
I will give you credit for one thing thought, you're right when you say that a gun doesn't make a man a man, but it takes a man to pick up a weapon, and put himself between sheeple like you and the bad guys who want to rob, rape, and kill you, and that's ME.

I would not want you standing in front of me...not behind me...not within 5 miles of my person if you were the only other human around this entire world;)

YOU are exactly the reason that there should be an entire weapons ban and a en-depth physiological/personalty check prior to even allowing you to complete the fire arms application form...HOLY BAT CRAP BATMAN. You are certifiable and a real loose canon!!!:eek: