Well-Known Member
Actually Bob The Builder once again shows his ignorance. You didn't "slam me" for anything I said. Your rant was about something I didn't say, thay you claimed was in my post. That's both lying, and quite ignorant, observations that seem to be frequent responses to your remarks.
You're again wrong about time I spend with a firearm. You're wrong again about not understanding about sometimes carrying large sums of money. Been there, done that, for years. You're wrong again about not understanding high crime areas. But I just don't seem to live in fear like you do. You're also wrong about "blatantly unconstitutional laws that have been foisted upon us". If they were "unconstitutional" the U.S. Supreme Court would overturn them. I guess you must be too ignorant to understand how the system works.
Sorry you're so afraid. Must be a really sad life to be so ignorant and fearful. Hope nobody frightens you today.
Welcome the the 'world of BOOBtheBuilder' and now I'm wondering where his keeper {the brains in the box} with whom BOOB lovingly slathers drool at her feet and receives the 'atta boy' accolades for being such a nice newbie poster around here??? WHO THE HELL LET THIS FOOL OFF OF HIS LEASH AND REMOVED THAT MUZZLE???
1. he started his diatribe by calling your post a "THESIS"
2. he then went off on his self inflicted, self absorbed ranting about other issues that were NOT in your post
3. this is his style/mindset...don't have an open exchange of ideologies/view points...just blow into the room and drop insults/asinine comments around and remove all doubt that he's unable to open his mind/ listen/learn

Yep, that is BOOBtheBuilder, in all of his glory. You may achieve his highest reward...that IGNORE this rate he'll end up with just his 'HANDLER' to discuss things with...he'll have exhausted all of the adults around here...