Perhaps I should have said that the auto deaths are not germane to our discussion of gun deaths. Hundreds of thousands of babies die from abortions too, thousands have died in Iraq... how many more sources of fatalities should we be discussing in relation to gun deaths? It isn't just accidental gun deaths either, it is also the deliberate ones that should be counted.
So it's not the deaths that bothers you, it's only the manner of the death? That's convoluted on a level I can't begin to comprehend, especially given that firearms related deaths account for such a low percentage of all deaths in the US every year, and that smacks of AGENDA! Oh, and it's MILLIONS of abortions.
Now, if you want to limit it to strictly firearms related fatalities, fine. According to the CDC, in 2004 there were a total of 30,896 firearms related fatalities in the US. Among those, 16,883, or 54% were SUICIDES while 12,791, or 41% were homicides. According to the FBI, among these firearms related homicides (not suicides) 16% were classified as "Felony Firearm" related fatalities, 27% were classified as "Argument Firearm" related fatalities, 9% were classified as "Gang Firearm" related fatalities while the remaining 46% were classified as "Unknown Firearm" or "Other Firearm" related fatalities which includes LEO shootings, accidents, and self defense. Also, well over half of all firearms related homicides committed in the US are committed with a stolen firearm, and the killer already has a criminal record and is prohibited from possessing a firearm in the first place. The latest numbers I've seen indicate that of all firearms related homicides, only 20% were committed with a legally owned firearm, and by the owner of the firearm, and of these, fewer than 20% of that number were "unlawful" homicides, meaning that it was not a clear cut case of self defense, or the court ruled that though it was "self defense", the amount of force used was "excessive" (which in places like New York City and California means that the perp that got shot was using something less than a 155mm howitzer when they were shot).
What people like you consistantly fail to comprehend is that there are literally MILLIONS of lives that are saved every year because the intended victim of a felony assault was ARMED, and able to thwart the attack, usually by simply brandishing their weapon. This is NOT a subject of debate, it is FACT, and has been tracked consistantly since the early 1960's.
All of that to say this, you either really don't know sh*t about the subject, or you're one of those that doesn't understand, comprehend, or believe in the Constitution. The Second Amendment is there for a reason, because without it, there isn't a First Amendment!
And what exactly do you want me to do about guns? You're here sh1tting, shooting, and shouting, but so far all you've produced is noise and bad smell.
The only "bad smell" around here is coming from your rotting brain housing group! What I want you to do about guns is acknowledge and abide by your fiduciary responsibility and CARRY A WEAPON! Stop being a potential victim! It is YOUR responsibility to protect yourself, it is YOUR responsibility to protect your family, it is YOUR responsibility to protect your neighbors, and when you fail to do so, YOU are responsible for what happens to yourself, your family, and your neighbors.
Like I said, I don't get personally involved in baseless attacks delivered by anonymous people on discussion sites. Actually I am qualified to psychoanalyze having spent more years and more money in schools than I like to remember. Your wild denigrating statements bear no truth, they are just wishful thinking on your part.
OH BULLSH*T!!! First you own a construction company, and now you're a fully qualified psychologist??? Can you say ANYTHING without LYING?? You're worse than Bill Clinton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Harry Skreed, Nancy Piglosi, and Obliviot all rolled into one!
Shouting "No, sir! No, sir!" isn't discussing.<drivel>
I don't "discuss" with willful idiots, I verbally smack 'em upside the suckhole until they get their headspace and timing corrected. It's like my Sergeant used to say "the beatings will now commence, and they will continue until moral improves". I don't care if you like it or not, you're grossly ignorant, or willfully stupid, take your choice, but in either case you don't have the first clue WTF you're talking about, and you're entirely too old for me to be willing to pass it off as youthful ignorance. You've staked out a totally fallacious stance, based on emotion, and without the first shred of evidence to support your positions, and you have the gall to be "offended" when you're finally told that it's downright stupid to do that? PLEASE!!!
We are all tools in God's Hands.
Oh, and now you're going to bring God into this? ROTFLMFAO!!! God has about as much to do with this as the Tooth Fairy does. If you want to be a Martyr, that's your choice, but you have NO right to expect, or demand, that anyone else join you! Frankly all of those "meely-mouthed, pacifist, sitting around in a circle and singing Kumbya" martyrs bore the crap out of me, I find them to be a bunch of self-eggrandizing POS's with their Holier Than Thou "look at me, see what a sacrifice I'm making for my religion, cause, whatever", and the world would be a far better place without them.