I have to admit that I really like that term sucking on the tax payers tit

Thank you, I think its my new favorite term.
I do not think all government workers or programs are bad, though I do think some of them are for sure. I do not think its the governments job to make jobs for the sake of jobs, I like production. I see too many government jobs made that produce nothing but more paper work and problems but there are some good jobs out there that the government does. Schools for one. Teachers are an important part of our structure. Firemen and police are also very important. The FBI the CIA the military are all important.
I think personally policemen and firemen should get extra pay and extra holidays and a really nice medical and retirement package, what they do is important, productive, valuable and dangerous.
But in general I do not think that just because someone works for the government they should get extra perks. We work for the people, we are here to serve the people. The avarage federal worker should be paid as well as the private sector. Just as good of a retirement plan, just as good of a medical plan, just as many holidays and sick days but not more and certianly not a ton more and that is currently what is going on. And I think when the private sector is cutting jobs so should the government but right now the government sector is growing. When private sector is cutting pay, not giving out raises, the government sector should be doing the same but instead they are talking about even more taxes to the people so government workers dont miss that next pay raise.
That is wrong IMO and I am sorry that you dont see that too.