Why Do They Hate Us and How Do We End the War?

Hated? Ok, let's do what I've always hoped for and bring home every US Military man & woman from everywhere in the world, shut down those military bases, stop sending foreign aid to the world's shatholes, wall off the border and give the world community a great big middle finger.

Then, when things go wrong wherever they are, we can say with truth that "Hey, it's not OUR fault! Clean up your own problems!"

So F-ing tired of the ingratitude. That said, I certainly don't agree with everything our government does/has done - whether foreign policy or domestic policy. But remember, please, that no country in the history of mankind has ever given so many of it's men & so much of it's money to help out other nations.
another BS thread.
they hate us because they hate. it's their behavior. they can choose to hate or they can choose not to hate. they choose to hate. the fault is in those who hate.

But that's not what's really happening. The American people are not hated overall.

Granted there are some Middle Eastern groups that hate us in the context of religious craziness.

The United States just has horrible world press. Some deserved, some not. We all know by now the Iraq invasion and subsequent never ending occupation is obviously not helping one bit.

But with the exception of that particular segment people are willing to talk and get along in my experience.

Of course I'm not singing the praises of the current administration so maybe I'm getting a different perspective.
And neither of you guys can stand the truth. You can't address the facts when they're presented. You simply have to turn tail and run.

Let's please not start another "You haven't addressed my facts!" "No, YOU haven't addressed MY facts!" war. We've had enough of those, and they have a tendency to drain my Aspirin supply.

If anyone else has something to add, go ahead, add it - but give it some substance, if you please. Just a friendly request from one of your dashingly handsome Moderators.
Your "facts" don't explain anything. For example, how does US actions in Iran in the 1950's in any way shape or form explain or justify why Saudi Arabian hijackers attacked us in 2001? You're trying to assign cause and effect in order to justify and excuse the bloodletting by islamic terrorists.
Well, if, as Truth Bringer suggests, the CIA warned that we could expect blowback for our role in the coup, that it hardly supports the contention that the government is completley ignorant of the costs of its actions. The possibility that they weighed the costs and decided that terrorism down the road was a minor harm compared to the risk of a major oil-producing nation lining up with murderous totalitarians with globalist ambitions is never considered.

What I'm curious, though, is why you assume the CIA said we could expect blowback solely for our role in the coup. We backed coups in lots of countries and virtually none of the rest want to kill us. Not to mention there are several places in which we didn't back coups that do want to kill us. And all the countries that do want to kill us are geographically contiguous, share common historical bonds, and more or less practice the same religion.


As for the main question of the OP, why do they hate us? Well, they don't necessarily. They are doing what every primitive Third World civilization has done that has encountered the west and refused to adopt its values. They are committing suicide.
Your "facts" don't explain anything. For example, how does US actions in Iran in the 1950's in any way shape or form explain or justify why Saudi Arabian hijackers attacked us in 2001? You're trying to assign cause and effect in order to justify and excuse the bloodletting by islamic terrorists.

Aren't you guys the ones trying to portray this as a "united Muslim front"?

That's far from the only instance in our meddling. Since you speak of the Saudi Arabian hijackers, let's look at U.S. financial and military support of "wonderful" ally Saudi Arabia:

The Saudi government is composed of an illegitimate group of thugs and ruling elites hated by their own people. They arrest anyone who brings a Bible into their country because they've made it illegal to do. They torture and execute anyone who converts to Christianity. Gross human rights violations occur on a regular basis.

"Why is the Name Saudi Arabia So Important?

It causes the misleading assumption that members of the Saudi family are the rightful owners of the place and the rightful representatives of the people. It's as if a Canadian family named Ferguson had conquered Canada and had the gall to rename it Ferguson Canada, and everyone in the world including the USG (US Government) now referred to all Canadians as Fergusons. It is one of the most successful hoaxes in history.

The Saudis are dictators who rule the other tribes with a heavy hand. If they didn't have all that oil, other cultures would regard them as just one more group of thugs in the same league as Qadaffi, Assad and Saddam Hussein.

The key point for our investments is that the Saudi royal family is roundly hated by their subjects. The king and his tribe live in great opulence that provokes much jealously. Everyone knows the Saudi tribe has no more rightful claim to the oil money than any other tribe.

The Saudis have two armies so that if one revolts they can pit the other one against it.

Their primary means of preventing revolts has been to spread some of the wealth around in the theory that if the population can be kept in a kind of welfare stupor like domesticated cattle, few will have the initiative to revolt. So far it's worked.

They allow no freedom of speech or press. Every non-Saudi knows that if he gets caught saying something unflattering about a member of the royal family, he could vanish.

It's a big family. Ibn-Saud had 150 wives, so today a legion of 6,000 Saudi princes occupy the most important and high-paying jobs and keep the economy in a chokehold of nepotism.

Political parties are not permitted. Activists are arrested and tortured, including electric shock and flogging. Judges are influenced by the royal family and they can be overruled by the king.

No one in the Islamic world ever forgets that the hated Saudi conquerors sit atop 260 billion barrels of oil and they got there with the help of one of Islam's oldest enemies, Britain. Worse, the Saudis are trying to stay there with the help of Britain's ally, the US. This is a time bomb that will go off. Count on it. The only question is when."


That's quite enough for me to conclude some Saudis could be angered enough to "go to war" against the U.S., which is the principle country funding this regime.
Well, if, as Truth Bringer suggests, the CIA warned that we could expect blowback for our role in the coup, that it hardly supports the contention that the government is completley ignorant of the costs of its actions.

No, the government isn't ignorant, it just doesn't care.

The possibility that they weighed the costs and decided that terrorism down the road was a minor harm

It's only minor if you're not killed by it... Have the government admit that to the families of those killed on 9/11 and see what happens. The government will never admit that culpability.

What I'm curious, though, is why you assume the CIA said we could expect blowback solely for our role in the coup.

I'm not assuming anything. I'm telling you exactly what the CIA put in its report.

We backed coups in lots of countries and virtually none of the rest want to kill us. Not to mention there are several places in which we didn't back coups that do want to kill us.

It's not just about backing coups. It's about financially supporting regimes that torture, kill and/or oppress their own people.

And all the countries that do want to kill us are geographically contiguous, share common historical bonds, and more or less practice the same religion.

Islam is definitely the most barbaric of all the religions. But, history has shown that they will fight against themselves (Sunnis v. Shiites, etc.) UNLESS they have a common enemy to unite against. As my link mentions, to go over there and agitate them is like poking a sharp stick at a rattlesnake. It's stupid and pointless.

As for the main question of the OP, why do they hate us?

It's discussed thoroughly in the link I provided.
To go over and agitate, TB?

And history shows a tad more than civil strife between shia and sunni. They are expansive and outright reject any other thought process nevermind religion throughout history, the sword their major tool for recruitment.