Why Arabs Hate the US

Most Arabs are aware of the "sins" of their leaders and how most of the hodgepodge of leadership was forced upon them by the British and French. But if not for the volume of everyday people who have suffered or perished by Western meddlings and the support these Royal Bastards or CIA fostered Dictators have brought to their lives, their might be a modicum of trust. For now, a portion will feign going along with anything we say just to get us off of their turf. Some will not.

The meddling of the west doesn't even come close to the intercine warfare and destruction foisted upon Palestinians by their own people. Again, just another excuse. Arab leaders need to finger point. Palestine would be an excellent place to live and make money. Its a beautiful land, but the Palestinian leadership refuse to make the necessary investments.

Lebanon used to be considered the Switzerland of the Middle East. Its was Israel that ripped it apart. And it isn't Israel today. Look to Syria and Hezbollah, and others. One of my best friends is Iraqi, he married a Palestinian woman who was christian. The depredations she described weren't foisted on her family by Israelis.
The meddling of the west doesn't even come close to the intercine warfare and destruction foisted upon Palestinians by their own people. Again, just another excuse. Arab leaders need to finger point. Palestine would be an excellent place to live and make money. Its a beautiful land, but the Palestinian leadership refuse to make the necessary investments.
Isn't it mostly desert? Don't tell me you're going Edward Abbey on us. Oh, shudder.

Lebanon used to be considered the Switzerland of the Middle East. Its was Israel that ripped it apart. And it isn't Israel today. Look to Syria and Hezbollah, and others. One of my best friends is Iraqi, he married a Palestinian woman who was christian. The depredations she described weren't foisted on her family by Israelis.

I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say, but oddly enough it sums up the Middle East pretty well. General randomness and ****'s bad, whose to blame? Who knows!
Its not really mostly desert, it can be made to bloom and actually it is fertile too.

I have seen squalor of Palestine and have wondered where Arafat had put all those hundreds of millions of dollars. The infrastructure in some cases is older than the US. I just think that Palestine would have been much further along had it not been for present Arab leadership.
What did we do to saudi Arabia other than build their oil industry, sell it to them for pennies on the dollar and pay cash for trillions of dollars worth of their oil? MARK

How can we sell them something that they already own?
This post is kinda confusing to me, due to the fact that
you're say we are selling & paying at the sametime?
The meddling of the west doesn't even come close to the intercine warfare and destruction foisted upon Palestinians by their own people. Again, just another excuse. Arab leaders need to finger point. Palestine would be an excellent place to live and make money. Its a beautiful land, but the Palestinian leadership refuse to make the necessary investments.

Lebanon used to be considered the Switzerland of the Middle East. Its was Israel that ripped it apart. And it isn't Israel today. Look to Syria and Hezbollah, and others. One of my best friends is Iraqi, he married a Palestinian woman who was christian. The depredations she described weren't foisted on her family by Israelis.

I guess bulldozing and bombing public buildings tend to usurp the possibility of seeing any fruits of investment. There is no excuses being offered other than Israel is methodically stealing land and doing whatever it takes to try to completely break the spirits of the rightful inhabitants to persuade them to move. That includes brutal treatment. They are barbaric, plain and simple.

Lebanon was a beautiful city beginning when it was part of Syria until the French seperated it in 1926. It was the 1975-1990 Civil War that saw the country destroyed. And in large part it was due to Phalanges Libanaises elements and Israeli actions. But in spite of that, Lebanon was undergoing an economic boom and starting to reflourish when they were invaded and the country was again decimated in 2006 by ... none other than the barbarians from the south.
Palestine wasn't much before Israel, agreed. But the fact is that you would lot would get all stressy if you found out Mexicans were building cities in the deserts of Arizona, simply because it is not their soil. Thats how the arabs feel. It was never going to work peacefully, but it could have been better had Israel not begun stealing land which they were not allocated.
If by not much it means there weren't condominiums and glitzy shopping malls, you are correct. But for the million or so people who lived there, it was home. And if you gave me over a hundred billion dollars (thank you U.S. suckers,) I could make almost any patch of land flourish.
On second thought, back in the 1940s, there weren't any condominiums or glitsy shopping malls down here in Florida either. I guess we were backward nobodies also.
How can we sell them something that they already own?
This post is kinda confusing to me, due to the fact that
you're say we are selling & paying at the sametime?

I believe the point was building up the industry, not necessarily selling them the oil.
On second thought, back in the 1940s, there weren't any condominiums or glitsy shopping malls down here in Florida either. I guess we were backward nobodies also.

Damn straight. ;)

Anyway, every time I see the title of this thread on the Recent Threads board, I read it and I think to myself, "Well...wouldn't you, if you were in their position?" Certainly, not all Arabs hate us, but I can sure as hell see the "why" of those that do.
I guess bulldozing and bombing public buildings tend to usurp the possibility of seeing any fruits of investment. There is no excuses being offered other than Israel is methodically stealing land and doing whatever it takes to try to completely break the spirits of the rightful inhabitants to persuade them to move. That includes brutal treatment. They are barbaric, plain and simple.

Lebanon was a beautiful city beginning when it was part of Syria until the French seperated it in 1926. It was the 1975-1990 Civil War that saw the country destroyed. And in large part it was due to Phalanges Libanaises elements and Israeli actions. But in spite of that, Lebanon was undergoing an economic boom and starting to reflourish when they were invaded and the country was again decimated in 2006 by ... none other than the barbarians from the south.

Bulldozing public buildings for punative terrorist action, you seem to be skipping that part. And yes, Israel has been stealing land too. Of course the Palestinians have given Israel every excuse to do just that. Everytime you blow up a kiosk or a school bus, the local government isn't going to feel bad about bulldozing the family home, or stealing their land. You seem to be skipping the brutality on one side while magnifying it on the other. And while Israelis aren't killing each other, I must say the Palestinians are doing far worse and killing more Palestinians than the Israelis are doing.

Regarding Lebanon:
You make a giant leap from 1926 to 1970's. It was peaceful coexistance for much of that time until Syria (which did not exist as a country since it was Ottomanterritory until the Ottoman fall in which the League of Nations decided to divide control between the UK and France, winners of WWI against the Ottoman's losing in WWI. In fact Syria did not even claim independence until 1941 (an empty claim until it was recognized in 1944). Lebanon was in a geographic area known as greater syria, not a political entity or country. It also was under Ottoman control until the Ottoman's lost WWI and then it became a French mandate. Lebanese independence actually came before Syria's as recognized in 1941 and held elections in 1943. Long before Syria ever established any kind of cohesive political unit.

It seems you are missing a number of points. One being that Lebanon was never a part of Syria, though many Syrians seem to think it was, or more to the fact, want to think it should be. A type of localized imperialism, not unlike Israel and some of their views of a "greater Israel".

Perhaps the largest act of instability was allowing Palestinian refugees to remain in Lebanon. Its seems that no matter where the Palestinian refugees go, they cause trouble. Look at their history in Jordan and Lebanon. The Phalange Lebanese played a very small role in that unstable history, especially relative to the Palestinian refugee situation.

In conclusion:

The Lebanese were independent with their own governing body before Syria was.

The Lebanese by and large desire to remain independent.

And it would seem that Syria doesn't like it and is willing to assassinate those that stand in their way. A reflection of the equivalent Israeli imperialism locally.

Regarding the barbarians from the south.

Why is it that Lebanon allows a rival army like Hezbollah to occupy its country?

Why isn't that independent army being blamed by you for dragging Lebanon into its personal war with Israel?

You seem to show a memory loss when it comes to the why's of things happenng rather than looking at the events as they actually are.
If by not much it means there weren't condominiums and glitzy shopping malls, you are correct. But for the million or so people who lived there, it was home. And if you gave me over a hundred billion dollars (thank you U.S. suckers,) I could make almost any patch of land flourish.

Well the UN and US pretty much matched that with the Palestinians. I don't see much there in Palestine today, do you? Apparently the Palestinians can't even with hundreds of billions of dollars, make their portion of the land flourish.

Again, I wonder where Arafat put those billions? I wonder what the deal was that Arafat's wife had with the Palestinian leadership?

The money was there, the leadership wasn't.

And when asked why they squandered it, they blithely point to the US and Israel, thoughno connetion really exists in the sense that the US and Israel did not make Arafat and other Palestinian leaders theives. The leaders chose to do so on their own.
Why is it that Lebanon allows a rival army like Hezbollah to occupy its country?

Why isn't that independent army being blamed by you for dragging Lebanon into its personal war with Israel?

Why aren't you blaming the U.S. government for allowing the warring gangs throughout our country to mess up sections of entire cities? Israel lost 21 Jewish civilians and 116 soldiers killed during the invasion. Should we add in the 18 Israeli Arabs who were excluded from Jews-only bomb shelters? 1088 Lebanese civilians were killed over the same time period and 15,000 homes destroyed. Israel launched 177,000 missiles, bombs and artillery shells (not counting cluster bomblets.) The Lebanese resistance killed about four Israeli soldiers for each Israeli civilian killed, suggesting they were trying to fend off the invaders. Israel killed approximately ten civilians for each fighter they killed.

And this was a Proportional response to the couple of IDF soldiers who were trespassing and captured in Lebanon? And this was after continual raids, killings and kidnapping of Lebanese civilians by the IDF prior to the capture of a few IDF soldiers? Maybe you believe so. Even the majority of people of Israel disagree.
Well the UN and US pretty much matched that with the Palestinians. I don't see much there in Palestine today, do you? Apparently the Palestinians can't even with hundreds of billions of dollars, make their portion of the land flourish.

Again, I wonder where Arafat put those billions? I wonder what the deal was that Arafat's wife had with the Palestinian leadership?

The money was there, the leadership wasn't.

And when asked why they squandered it, they blithely point to the US and Israel, thoughno connetion really exists in the sense that the US and Israel did not make Arafat and other Palestinian leaders theives. The leaders chose to do so on their own.

What do leaders have to do with the Israeli military murdering civilians? Here is a picture from today:


Two Palestinian children, age 12 and 13, were murdered by IDF watchtower sharpshooters while scavaging for scrap metal in order to eik out an existance. The Israelis military claims they thought they were suspicious and trying to plant something near their Wall. (Incidentally, at the Wall that was paid for by U.S. taxpayer's money funneled through the World Bank.)
Why aren't you blaming the U.S. government for allowing the warring gangs throughout our country to mess up sections of entire cities? Israel lost 21 Jewish civilians and 116 soldiers killed during the invasion. Should we add in the 18 Israeli Arabs who were excluded from Jews-only bomb shelters? 1088 Lebanese civilians were killed over the same time period and 15,000 homes destroyed. Israel launched 177,000 missiles, bombs and artillery shells (not counting cluster bomblets.) The Lebanese resistance killed about four Israeli soldiers for each Israeli civilian killed, suggesting they were trying to fend off the invaders. Israel killed approximately ten civilians for each fighter they killed.

And this was a Proportional response to the couple of IDF soldiers who were trespassing and captured in Lebanon? And this was after continual raids, killings and kidnapping of Lebanese civilians by the IDF prior to the capture of a few IDF soldiers? Maybe you believe so. Even the majority of people of Israel disagree.

Proportional response doesn't work with extremists. One wonders why the extremists didn't care about the who the bombs fell on.

You are again playing the amnesiac. The kidnapping of the IDF soldiers was little more than a clumination of several, no, many incursions into Israel.

But then you are diverting. Why does Lebanon allow a rival army in its country? Why aren't you decrying such a terrible thing. A rival army that drags the entire nation, unwillingly into a conflict?

Perhaps you don't have an answer?

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