Bin Laden is heard from yet again.

You guys don't know that 911 was an inside job yet? You don't know that OBL is/was "the big bad terrorist" that is not going to get caught so we can stay in the middle east for fight 'the war on terror'???? We need a bad guy in order to spend billions of dollars with Haliburton and increase our 'homeland security' funds.

I thought you guys in the political forums would use your intelligence and figure out that WTC 7 did NOT fall down because of fire. And the reason why the pentagon didn't release any vids of the "plane crash" is because a plane did not hit the building.

Maybe you guys shouldn't drink too much fluoridated water, its suppose to lower IQ's.


Looks for can of , lame 9/11 Conspiracy theorist RAID to spray......
Looks for can of , lame 9/11 Conspiracy theorist RAID to spray......

Very funny, but when you know someone that was lost that day then you tend to think differently. Anyone that is a disbeliever is so because

1. They are ignorant/uneducated

2. They just go with the consensus as not to get mocked

3. They don't care because it didn't effect them and its easier to think that it was just terrorist attacks and not some conspiracy.

4. They work for the gov't

Certainly if you have a little bit of knowledge and ability to critically think, after you have watched/read enough conspiracy 'theories' you will know why over 1/3 of the population believes 911 is an inside job.

Just my honest humble opinions!

Very funny, but when you know someone that was lost that day then you tend to think differently. Anyone that is a disbeliever is so because

1. They are ignorant/uneducated

2. They just go with the consensus as not to get mocked

3. They don't care because it didn't effect them and its easier to think that it was just terrorist attacks and not some conspiracy.

4. They work for the gov't

Certainly if you have a little bit of knowledge and ability to critically think, after you have watched/read enough conspiracy 'theories' you will know why over 1/3 of the population believes 911 is an inside job.

Just my honest humble opinions!


How about I am Educated, that's why I Don't believe there was one.

I think those who do, put at risk our national Security to the next attack

Those that don't, believe just about every conspiracy they find, even more so on the Internet.

The Vast majority of "conspiracies" focus on small things that don't add up, often times only because the info they have in not correct anyway...and ignore the Giant major problems with the theory as if they don't exist.

70% said they though Iraqi's where the ones on the planes on 9-11. Do you think I care what most Americans think? they are retarded and make me sick to my stomach. That we could lose 3000+ to a attack on US Soil, and after months and months of Reporting, they don't even know who attacked us. You can get 1/3 of

And no I don't work for the government, I have just been studying Terrorism since the early 1990's s