Let me see. You must be a FEMALE liberal. You are overly emotional, shrill to the point of being mentally unstable, and you whine alot.
You are also high school educated, at best. Your lack of spelling skills, your lack of knowledge of U.S. history, your lack of intellectual honesty, immaturity, extremely poor debating skills, and your brutal hypocrisy and lack of integrity, betray you, over and over again.
And lastly, you must be over 40 years old. As Winston Churchill so famously stated, "If you are not a liberal when you are 20, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative when you are 40, you have no brain".
I am tired of playing with you. Take the few marbles you have, and go home.
aww I am so hurt....I have a BA and a AAS in Pol Sci, and Marketing, minor in Int Studies....If buy poor debate skills you mean, posting to many facts you cant understand so have nothing else to do but cry about spelling ( when you can't even figure out the difference from a spelling error and a typo..) well that you go ahead and think that...guess what like I said I have never claimed to be a great speller, and I type fast so whoop de do...Does not make your point any more correct at all...in fact like in the school of Debate , the one who says nazi first has lost the debate...the net school says the guy *****ing about spelling , knows he can't win on facts...
I must be over 40? odd thing to say since I am liberal and not over 40...so based on Churchill says...I am where I should be...thing is I bet Churchhill would never say that if he looked at the American right today and the tea party...
But its funny, you claim Hypocricy again and again, yet you can't actully show any...does saying it and calling names make it true to you? I guess so.
what becuse I supported the Surge in Iraq but not the going in? Sorry I guess its just wrong to deal with the fact that we had in fact gone in, and to understand that what was needed when we where in and that we did not have enough troops to do the job they needed to be able to do.
in your view if you drive up to a cliff and there is a drop of 500 feet down and there is a small jump and its about 25 feet to the other side...and you say you should not drive over it...but the driver who has all the control says I don't care I am going to do it...and starts driving at it at 20 miles per hour and its not fast enough to make it over...if I say to speed up so that we don't crash and die....I am a Hypocrite because I said don't drive over it in the first place...
or is it because I don't care that a rapper went into the white house and read a poem...but he is someone that said something others don't like....so did in fact Bush H W and W...but guess what I did not care about them as well...you did not care until it was Obama in the white house...NWA can chill in the White House but Common is so bad he can't? I am a hypocrite...because when Fox news reads off lyrics to a song...I read the next line that throws out the point of Fox news.... Fox news quotes lyrics about violance...and ignores the little part right after..."no time for that...cuz we got things to be done...stay true to what I do so the youth dream come"
I don't don't rant that Fox News Supports Assination of the president...even though Nuggent says it about as clear as can be...but he is a freind of Fox and the Right...He is a nut job...and you know what...when one of his songs comes on the radio...I turn it up....because I don't care...you do, wait you pretend to care is more like it...its made up anger, spoon feed by a news agency that makes billions of people like you. I don't sit there and try to take Johny Cash songs out of Context and then Bash Bush having him in the white house...I could its easy, Cash sings about Cocain, murder and lots of non family values stuff...But I own one of his CD's and I don't care...becuse I undstand story telling, and songs telling a story, and context...
lack of integrity? hmm on like you, I back up my views. I stand by them...and when someone shows real proof I am wrong, I can take it and admit I am wrong. I have done it on here more then a few times...just have others have done to me...thing is your mad because I have not to you? there is a simple reason...you have said nothing to earn it, you have been wrong over and over..and overly simplistic in your view of just about anything that does not fit your black and white liberal conservitive preset notions. You want me to show that "integrity" you claim there is one way you can do that..try knowing what your talking about it will be a good start.
But I don't expect you to, people like you, rick, gipper...your a dime a dozen on these sites...full of rants and strongly held and poorly researched ideas...and compleatly unable to process ideas and facts that don't fit what you want to hear. people like me take large complicated issues like war and terrorism and try to view them threw the big picture and both what works and with a sense of morals as well. I know that Terrorism is a very complicated issues, and the COIN Operations are one of the trickiest and hardest operations for a nation to fight....people like you see things in the black and white most simplistic idea and throw out anything else...It makes you feel all big and strong...even if the fact is your actions help the other side more then they help you. You think the show 24 is real life, and ignore real CIA FBI interagators who say that something does not work and in fact often counter productive. People like you years later claim things like..KSM gave us intel under waterboarding though...like when the Bush White House said it helped stop a plot against LA...ignoring 23 Intel people who basicly , and in one case said it exactly...that the Bush White House was full of ****. that there was no real plot and that the intel had been debunked ( shocking case or guy tortured saying untrue things? your kidding!)
But you claim its not torture... funny thing is , most people who make that claim...are chicken hawks...people who really have dealt with it...LIke McCain...or even Jesse Ventura who was waterboarded for SEAR training...will flat out tell you it it. ( also Jesse brings up a good point, if its not, why did not not torture,..I mean waterboard Timmy McV and his pal for OK City...or is it only work on Muslims?)