Why Arabs Hate the US


If everybody wants to equate muslims with Islamic extremists (Bin Laden) in mind than lets also discuss christianity with Eric Rudolph in mind.
Christian armies in muslim countries means turmoil.
If everybody wants to equate muslims with Islamic extremists (Bin Laden) in mind than lets also discuss christianity with Eric Rudolph in mind.
Christian armies in muslim countries means turmoil.

Very good suggestion HateKoolAid. Sit back now to watch the internet
version of As the Tables Turn.
I do not advocate in my post that all Arabs are evil, or that all Muslims are wrong. Indeed I find such an idea abhorrent. What I am finding though, and what I attemtpted to show, was that US actions, no matter how benign, no matter how beneficial to the Arab/Mulsim nations in general, will not be judged as beneficial. That too many Arabic groups, whether indoctrinated by the USSR et al during the cold war, or by the financial backing of whabbist radicals through the Saudi Madras network, will not accept anything the US does as beneficial and so any sacrifice the US makes in order to reach an accomodation will not work.

Perhaps respect for the capabilities and determination of the US should come first?
What I am finding though, and what I attemtpted to show, was that US actions, no matter how benign, no matter how beneficial to the Arab/Mulsim nations in general, will not be judged as beneficial.


Perhaps respect for the capabilities and determination of the US should come first?

I don't regard the war on Iraq as particularly benficial. People live in more fear than under Saddam in a lot of the country, the future of the country is far more unstable, the economy has gone down the pan and local militas have had to take control where the government/army fails to do its job. The country is more rife with corruption. It doesn't look good.

Supporting Israel was not beneficial for the Arab nations at all, because they were not just going to accept intruders onto Palestinian soil.

Sure, America has done some good for the Arab world, quite a bit, but I think the warfare has marred it all.

As for respecting the capabilities and determination of the US, sometimes people who are very clever and with lots of resolve have no common sense. I do not respect them when they do something stupid.
I do not advocate in my post that all Arabs are evil, or that all Muslims are wrong. Indeed I find such an idea abhorrent. What I am finding though, and what I attemtpted to show, was that US actions, no matter how benign, no matter how beneficial to the Arab/Mulsim nations in general, will not be judged as beneficial. That too many Arabic groups, whether indoctrinated by the USSR et al during the cold war, or by the financial backing of whabbist radicals through the Saudi Madras network, will not accept anything the US does as beneficial and so any sacrifice the US makes in order to reach an accomodation will not work.

Perhaps respect for the capabilities and determination of the US should come first?

It's going to be a real long time before they can trust us again, if ever. Can you blame them?

Payback is a muther**** price to pay, and we haven't seen nothing

What did we do to saudi Arabia other than build their oil industry, sell it to them for pennies on the dollar and pay cash for trillions of dollars worth of their oil? MARK
I don't regard the war on Iraq as particularly benficial. People live in more fear than under Saddam in a lot of the country, the future of the country is far more unstable, the economy has gone down the pan and local militas have had to take control where the government/army fails to do its job. The country is more rife with corruption. It doesn't look good.

Supporting Israel was not beneficial for the Arab nations at all, because they were not just going to accept intruders onto Palestinian soil.

Sure, America has done some good for the Arab world, quite a bit, but I think the warfare has marred it all.

As for respecting the capabilities and determination of the US, sometimes people who are very clever and with lots of resolve have no common sense. I do not respect them when they do something stupid.

I suppose it depends on how you look at it. Whether the genocide of the Marsh Arabs was an acceptable thing versus other options or possibilities, such as a stable but deadly dictatorhsip. Is the economy more unstable? It is, but I would place that more squarely upon the Shia incursions from Iran and Some sunni infiltration. The vast majority of the Iraqis simply want to get along, but feel helpless before the outsiders (including the US).

By the way, supporting Israel is probably the most beneficial thing the Arab leadership ever had. Without it they would have no one upon which to blame their shortcomings. Your cow dies? its Israel's fault, the sun is too warm, its those zionist Jews. It goes on and on.

While warfare has marred the US involvement in teh Middle East, I don't thing there has ever really been a change in attitude even without the warfare.

Common sense on the other hand is something that many politicians and presidents do seem to lack. Its as if you leave at the door when you enter the oval office.
By the way, supporting Israel is probably the most beneficial thing the Arab leadership ever had. Without it they would have no one upon which to blame their shortcomings. Your cow dies? its Israel's fault, the sun is too warm, its those zionist Jews. It goes on and on.

I hope your not actually being serious here. I can see how they blame zionism for a lot of things, but its certainly not benifical. If they didn't have Israel they would fight between each other or some other country in close proximity.
I am being partially serious here. Israel has become the scape goat for a thousand sins carried out by Arab leaders upon their people.

I have actually had a member of the House of Saud tell this to me (he is along the lines of approximately 8000 in the line to the throne, but still one of the elite).
Tell you what? That he blames Israel for the weather, or that the general arab population blames Israel for everything?

The people who decided to create Israel were absoloute morons, did they ever think it would go peacefully and they would live and let live?

Give the southern states back to Mexico and see how the residents feel, that should have been the agreement when they created Israel.
Most Arabs are aware of the "sins" of their leaders and how most of the hodgepodge of leadership was forced upon them by the British and French. But if not for the volume of everyday people who have suffered or perished by Western meddlings and the support these Royal Bastards or CIA fostered Dictators have brought to their lives, their might be a modicum of trust. For now, a portion will feign going along with anything we say just to get us off of their turf. Some will not.
Tell you what? That he blames Israel for the weather, or that the general arab population blames Israel for everything?

The people who decided to create Israel were absoloute morons, did they ever think it would go peacefully and they would live and let live?

Give the southern states back to Mexico and see how the residents feel, that should have been the agreement when they created Israel.

For true justice, Israel should have been carved out of the German borders. But somehow I don't believe the West wanted a peaceful solution. There isn't a lot of money to be made for some with a stable environment.
Thats not true justice, that just taking land off the innocent Germans of the area, just like the Palestinians in the area.

And its just not holy land by Germany.
Thats not true justice, that just taking land off the innocent Germans of the area, just like the Palestinians in the area.

And its just not holy land by Germany.

Germany committed the Holocaust and as reparations they should have had to give up territory to allow this Zionist dream to be fulfilled (or the entire thing should have been called off.)

As far as holy land, I'm of the Purple People Eater Sect that predates human existance and had been promised by the Universal Banana that this planet was mine. (As you can tell by my sarcasm, I don't subscribe to mythological bull and no person should have to suffer because of such childish uselessness.)
There was no country in what is today Israel, like so much that was lost post WWI, the Ottoman's had long since had the lands placed under British control. The Brits could do what they want, and an indication was the Balfour declaration.

The UK did not necessarily want Israel to come into existence, but remember they have faced a terrible war, paid a terribly high price and their soldiers and people were tired of fighting, including fighting the Jews who did also commit acts of terrorism. Tie that to the lobby's in Washington in which Truman was concerned about the politics and saw allowing the state of Israel as a positive politically. He simply nudged the UK until it raised its hands and went away.

Israel or rather the Palestine area was for all intents and purposes, at this point was abandoned. Israel claimed statehood, other nations sought to destroy it (specifically Arab) and they failed time and again. I think at that point, by virtue of combat against larger numbers, time and again, Israel has won its right to exist, regardless of some crazy interpretation of Mohammed's last words.

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