That's not what I'm saying at all... I want us to have a government that doesn't violate the rights of its citizens. That's the only way to ensure that nobody can legally impose their will on any of us by force. What we have are large groups on both sides looking to abuse the power of government to force their will on everyone else, I don't want government to "listen" to any of that much less act on it.
I really don't understand where you're coming from here... Do you think it's OK for a majority to do whatever the hell it wants to the minority and that it's only wrong for a minority to impose itself on the majority?
It's not right for anyone, whether part of the majority or minority, to impose their will on others by force. Reason is the only civilized way to deal one another. People who resort to the use of force when dealing with others are immoral.
Okay. . .so what would you propose in this specific case of the "cliff?"
That NOTHING is done? Great! I'm all for it! Let's get over the cliff, shrink the ridiculous "defense" budget, raise taxes on everyone and then. . .let's set up new tax cuts for EVERYONE's first $250,000 of income!
Yes, there will be some cuts in entitlements also. . .and I ALWAYS thought cuts were needed AS WELL as increase in revenues.
But it seems that what you are offering is a CONSTANT stand off, with NOTHING being done in order to not "force" anything on anyone! . . .What does that do with this country? What happens to the infrastructure? What happens to the elderly, the disabled, the environment, the education? . . .they just wait until every one agrees and sings "Kumbaya?"
I really am open to suggestions here! Or do you think that the majority, who voted based on very specific policy proposals, should just say, "okay, now that we have voted for what we want, let's just have the others force THEIR policies, that we have clearly rejected, on us!"
Please, help me here! You said you wanted this to be a "give and take" of ideas and information, so we could both gain something from this. I'd love to hear about another way to get something done!
By the way, wouldn't you consider the way the Right black mailed President Obama in agreeing to keep the Bush tax cuts for all 2 years ago with the threat of putting the burden of higher taxes on the middle class, and the threat to kick the unemployed to the curb was a "use of force?"