I see you have some strong opinions about "the left". How do you define "the left?"
PLC1, there are exceptions to every rule that prove the rule. Nevertheless, I believe that my answer to your questions addresses "The Big Picture" of what I see the 'left" to be. I see the American "left" as comprised of three major groups, with subtle differences among the components of each.
Let's call one of those major groups
"The Good Hearts". These are people with the very best of intentions. They want the world to be a better place for everyone, and want to eliminate everything that might cause discord. I considered myself part of this group when I was younger, from about 1962-1980. We saw "racism", "sexism", and "war" as unacceptable, and we strove to make things better. This group used to be quite large, for there were obvious failures existing in the US. The size of this group has shrunk greatly in the past 25 years or so. It's been reduced by the resignations of those of us who think logically, and who see that our earlier successes have subsequently been bastardized. This comment is not intended to ridicule the illogical members of this group who continue to vote for liberal Democrats. The folks remaining in this group still want to do the right thing..... however, they're incapable of logically determining what the right thing is. They act and vote on the bases of "Feelings" and "Perceptions", not on "Logic". When Democrat demogogues accuse whites of racisim, these remaining people FEEL the claim is justified. They're incapable of seeing that bigotry against whites is rampant in our country, far more prevalent than white bigotry against citizens of color. When Democrat demogogues claim that we Conservatives are anti-female because of our anti-abortion stance, the folks in this group will agree.... they don't want to be perceived as sexists. They're incapable of reasoning that the taking of an innocent life is FAR worse than inconveniencing a female who's failed to exercize good judgment and self-control! These are the types of folks who Lenin referred to as "useful idiots", a term for them that I find detestable and unjustifed! Most of these folks are decent, loving human beings. However, I'm not sure if they'll ever "get it". Nevertheless, I keep trying to convert them, for their hearts are indeed in the right place. I dearly love many of them.
Let's call the next group
"The Losers"! This is by far the largest of the three major groups today. This group consists of the incurably stupid (and unfortunately many of our poorly-educated youth), the self-serving, the self-loving, the "victim class", the "give me what I deserve' crowd, all those who DEMAND everything and contribute nothing. I'm not sure that anything could ever be done to accomplish worthwhile change among such worthless humanity. Perhaps the experiences of life will lead the more-intelligent among our poorly-educated youth to eventually see the light?
This last group, we'll call
"The Users"! This group is by far the smallest of the three, and the most foul!!! These are the Masters and the Fuhrers who call the shots of the American left! These people KNOW that their policy positions are wrong for our nation!! These are not stupid people! Nevertheless, they support political positions that damage our nation, and they'll use any means avaliable to implement them. They pursue this path for one reason and one reason only; Personal Power! These are the demogogues of the left. These are the politicians who offer a "free ride" to those who'll vote for them and give them more power. These are the race-baiters, the corrupt union bosses, and the powerful business and financial barons who seek international power for themselves. They care nothing about ensuring the survival of our Constitution and our nation. They seek international dominance for themselves alone. To achieve it, they're willing to discard our Constitution, and destroy our American Republic! These are the internaionalists who believe they'll eventually control the entire world population, a population of slaves!
I used to consider liberal Democrats as simply political opponents, ones who'd be open to honest and well-intentioned debate. I haven't believed that to be true for a long time now. The left in our nation IS the enemy. It must be defeated at ALL costs! The only alternative to our victory is our slavery!