Integration or Segregation


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2007
Muslim community in all western countries needs Masajid, state funded Muslim schools with Muslim teachers, halal meat, sharia laws, Muslim cemeteries, time off to attend Friday afternoon prayers in the Masjid, two official religious holidays per year, otherwise, the future generations would be lost in western jungle.
Muslim children in non-Muslim schools are unable to develop their cultural, linguistic and spiritual identities. They must be educated in Muslim schools with Muslim teachers. There is no place for a non-Muslim child or a teacher in a Muslim school.
You better educate your children and let Muslim community educate their children according to their needs and demands. You have no right to speak for Muslims. You better mind your own business.
The demand for separate schools is nothing to do with segregation in integration. What does integrating mean? Muslims are not embracing western life'. What do we do? In our free time us English go down the pubs and get smashed, do the same in clubs, sleep with random people and as a result have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe. Can anybody please tell me what integration means? other then speak English!!! The Jews did their best to integrate in Germany. They even took German names! Look how far it got them. If the Muslims try to integrate, the Germans/British will complain about the 'pollution' of their identity once again. I wonder how many English people were saying "Multi-Culturalism does not work" when they were busy invading and taking over other people's countries!? India, the Africa, the Americas, Australia, to name but a few. I wonder how many English people are saying "Multi Culturalism does not work" when they are busy sunning themselves in the south of Spain, speaking only English, eating in English restaurants, drinking in English bars, and complaining that not all Spaniards speak English!? Monkey see? Monkey do? And what is English culture, anyhow!? Our football teams are full of foreign players and some are owned by foreign owners, Christian Church attendance has dwindled, we love our curries (influenced by Indian food), we holiday abroad I really would like somebody to define to me what is English culture, these days. If you mean by integration going down to the pub with the lads, getting drunk, picking up a few girls, and then on Sunday maybe going to church - then I'm sure that Muslims will not integrate.
If there are people on this planet who believe their way of life is the best way of life, and it's completely different from another nations view on what a way of life should be then I'm fine with segregation as long as the people in my country can agree that if we find out that they are doing in humane things to their citizens then we should step in as human protectionist, rather than just being bullies. It's humane to protect citizens of another nation from genocide, and inhumane activities.
If there are people on this planet who believe their way of life is the best way of life, and it's completely different from another nations view on what a way of life should be then I'm fine with segregation as long as the people in my country can agree that if we find out that they are doing in humane things to their citizens then we should step in as human protectionist, rather than just being bullies. It's humane to protect citizens of another nation from genocide, and inhumane activities.
Maybe more subtlety: "the best way of life" for them
and of course it can't be 'completely different"

I think I detect what your basis is: You are saying that the LOGOS, the belief in the rationality of God , Creation, and humans should be the cornerstone of public life. Well , THERE you do have a difference. One cannot attack the freedom of another's person's religous choice but you can point out irrationality. I go with the Pope Benedict take on this

spreading the faith through violence is something unreasonable. Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul."God", he says, "is not pleased by blood - and not actng reasonably (σὺν λόγω) is contraryto God's nature. Faith is born of the soul, not the body. Whoever would lead someone to faith needs the ability to speak well and to reason properly, without violence and threats...To convince a reasonable soul, one does not need a strong arm, or weapons of any kind, orany other means of threatening a person with death..."

Hence the importance of Aayan Hirshi Ali. ( you are talking about the Western rejection of all moral equivalence)

"“My observation is yes, Christianity is different from Islam…The worst thing that a Christian has ever said to me, the rudest thing that a Christian has ever said to me, the thing that made me most uncomfortable that a Christian said to me was ‘I’m going to pray for you. I hope you will be safe. I hope you will be redeemed.’ But within my own family and my own community, when I say I’m in doubt about the Koran and Muhammad and life after death and all that, it is ‘well, you are to die.’ So I just want to point out the differences between the religions…What makes me angry is the moral equivalence.”"