What Mark Francis Doesn't Like To Talk-About

No. The best theory so far is in the ocean.
It certainly didn't happen 6000 years ago as the godbotherers say. That WOULD. Be ridiculous.
So all you have is a theory, like nothing can escape a black hole was a theory that was replaced by black holes emitting radiation creating the information paradox. I bought Apple, you bought Coors in cans. So my theory wins, you drunk fool believing that your argument matters to anyone
So all you have is a theory, like nothing can escape a black hole was a theory that was replaced by black holes emitting radiation creating the information paradox. I bought Apple, you bought Coors in cans. So my theory wins, you drunk fool believing that your argument matters to anyone
I don't have a theory. Science does. I prefer to wait until some evidence appears.
I don't care what you think or if you think at all. Narcissists like you are everywhere and they all are intellectual mountains, just like you. But that goes out the window when it comes to believing in God.
I don't have a theory. Science does. I prefer to wait until some evidence appears.
I don't care what you think or if you think at all. Narcissists like you are everywhere and they all are intellectual mountains, just like you. But that goes out the window when it comes to believing in God.
The most current scientific theory is that the universe is a simulation, which requires a writer, which they do not call god but a simulation writer. So science has accepted god,kiddy