What Mark Francis Doesn't Like To Talk-About

Dawkins claims that God does not exist.

I say that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and unicorns do not exist.
Does that make me a "rebel against Santa, the Easter Bunny and unicorns"?

And I say, no, it does not.
Mark Francis has very fuzzy thinking.

Who is the "rebel against God", then?
That's an easy one: <enable thunderous voice> SATAN! <disable thunderous voice>.
Dawkins claims that God does not exist.
He would since he has chosen a life of sinful pleasure over submitting to God.
I say that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and unicorns do not exist.
Does that make me a "rebel against Santa, the Easter Bunny and unicorns"?

Mark Francis has very fuzzy thinking.

Who is the "rebel against God", then?
That's an easy one: <enable thunderous voice> SATAN! <disable thunderous voice>.
When it comes to submitting to God, aka Allah, Islam has an advantage there. The word "Islam" actually MEANS submission.

Allah seems to never tire of being told how effing GREAT he is. He vastly prefers us to tell hm in Arabic:
Allahu Akbar! It is quite simple, not even a verb is required.