A decent WC supporter asks for evidence against driver
right on, and thank u for not taking the "easy way out" and instantly bashing someone who doesnt agree with u ALA "Hollywood Nicky." im not saying ur right or im wrong, etc. i didnt read through every page/post in this thread, ergo, im always open to new evidence or peoples theories. i try to always keep an open mind, but all i saw was the video and someone saying "the driver did it." in which i look but dont see what they were trying to establish. anyways, so please give me ur take on what happened with JFK/ur theory so i can look at all the facts/ur thoughts and draw my own conclusion, thx.
At least you're not an asshole. Good for you. Here is the basic and irrefutable proof that Greer was the assassin who fired the fatal headshot. Everything I will post would have to be challenged directly in a court or real life debate. No asking stupid questions but challenging and dealing with evidence that is visually factual.
What an opposition would have to do is impossible.
They would have to prove that Greer's fake hand popping off the wheel in zframe 304 is real. In other words they would fail because Greer's left hand/arm were crossing his right shoulder in both nix and muchmore during the critical frames right before jfk received the headshot. The first thing that happens is, Greer is passing a large covered object from his right to left hand 4 seconds before he fired back.
This visual fact has been ignored and in some cases researchers have outright lied about his hands even leaving the wheel.
The covered gun is seen perfectly in 258 with his right suited arm distinguishable.
Greer's left hand cannot be seen returning to the wheel in Zapruder because during the alteration they panned upward to hide when Greer moved his left hand with the gun to near his shoulder, so when he turned the second time to shoot, he just pushed up, over and fired.
Greer's left arm crosses his shoulder in perfect unison with the headshot in nix, proving Zapruder was altered to hide Greer as the real assassin. The same movement happens in muchmore but there's an obstructed view running forward.
The fake hand is very obvious without even looking at nix because of Bob Harris's brightening of this footage.
No evidence exists that his left hand ever returned to the wheel and all researchers did was ignore that he passed the gun, therefore ignoring he shot jfk and supported a very obviously altered Zfilm because they felt it was politically incorrect to prove this shocking and pathetic fact against american government.
NO HAND OR ARM...there is nothing but some grey thing that tried and failed to mimic a hand but there's one huge problem there. THEY DIDN'T ATTACH A FAKE ARM TO THE FAKE HAND.LOL
If William Greer did not kill Kennedy none of these alterations would have taken place.
If Greer didn't shoot jfk his left arm would not be crossing in two other films.
If Greer wasn't the assassin he would NOT have passed anything to his left hand.
If Greer was innocent it wouldn't look exactly like he shoots jfk with silly FAKE reflections creating that visual at the exact moment jfk's shot in the head.
In other words, it is impossible for Greer to be anything but guilty of assassinating John F. Kennedy.
My obsession paid off in the biggest way possible for any truth seekers in this world.
Never in this country has there ever been a more epic blunder than those goons in the 60's thinking they could get away with something as silly as using the secret service to kill an American President in an open limousine. Make no mistake that this is not as much me who solved this silly cover-up but the information age.