What if JFK assassination was different?

Re: Right rear gape up close in zapruder

During the alteration of Zapruder they compressed the impact and the rear skull gape into one frame and did their best to hide skull detaching in between subsequent frames.

312, no gape.

313, complete rear gape.
Re: What if JFK assassination was differant?

I know that I'm probably going to regret asking this, but why are you posting quotes from users in other forums and then responding to them in this forum?

Did you get banned in the other forum(s)?
Right Rear Skull Gape And Detachment

Connally described being sprayed with a clear liquid which is something more logical than some fake red blotch. It's also not likely that fluid would show up in these old films but the back of his head popping off would, especially if t opens up just the way it does in Zapruder. These are in sequential order with the first being just before 313, showing the perfect gape up close. Jfk's skull did what it logically had to do with the right rear exit wound he suffered. The back of his head was blown off just like forty witnesses saw with their own eyes, including Clint Hill, Jackie, and Jfk's killer, Bill Greer.


Between 313-314


Steamboy plays with fire and gets burnt every time

Why not, the clear smoke showed up.

You finally admit to seeing the clear smoke that's visible at the point of entrance in all three jfk films. You are a perfect example of why soupnazi's denial of facts is the only way to troll this obvious truth.

The smoke is above and in front of the circled area which is similar to the fake red in Zapruder but it's not the exaggerated red.

Clear smoke above fake red and perfect rear gape.
Re: What if JFK assassination was differant?

7forever needs to check out this link:


I know it's exciting to believe that you have solved the JFK conspiracy, but you are doing the same thing that the FBI and Dallas police did immediately after the assassination (actually, Oswald was the "patsy", but that's a whole other story).

You established your "end game", or conclusion, first, then you focused on creating the evidence necessary to support your end game/conclusion.
Senator Yardborough saw driver fire fatal shot on November 22, 1963

Amazon.com: Tyler Newcomb's review of Murder from within

Posted on Nov. 9, 2010 2:24 AM PST
Maskmaker says:
Tyler, years ago I found a jpg of a newspaper clip from the Chicago sun times, dated Sat., Nov 23, 1963, and not only is Senator Yarborough quoted as saying he smelled gun powder on LBJ's limo nearly all the way to the hospital, he is quoted as saying that the 3rd shot may have been from a Secret Service man returning fire! Can't wait to get my hands on this book after all these years, & hopefully, the DVD! All the evidence points towards Greer taking the final shot.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov. 9, 2010 2:41 AM PST
Tyler Newcomb says:
Yes I have a very faded copy of that. If you still have it I'd like to see if it's better than mine to find a way to put it in the book. Thanks

A Murder Within was self published in 1974.

Look on the right side, under 'beats fists against car'. It's the second sentence.

Jean Hill saw Greer shoot Kennedy

Testimony Of Mrs. Jean Lollis Hill

Mr. SPECTER - What occurred at the time of the fourth shot which you believe you heard?
Mrs. HILL - Well, at that time, of course, there was a pause and I took the other shots---about that time Mary grabbed me and was yelling and I had looked away from what was going on here and I thought, because I guess from the TV and movies, that it was Secret Service agents shooting back. To me, if somebody shoots at somebody they always shoot back and so I just thought that that's what it was and I thought, well, they are getting him and shooting back, you know; I didn't know.
Mr. SPECTER - Where was the President's car at the time you thought you heard the fourth shot?
Mrs. HILL - The motorcade came to almost a halt at the time the shots rang out, and I would say it was just approximately, if not---it couldn't have been in the same position, I'm sure it wasn't, but just a very, very short distance from where it had been. It was just almost stunned.
Mr. SPECTER - And how about the time of the fifth shot, where do you think the President's car was?
Mrs. HILL - That was during those shots, I think it wasn't any further than a few feet---further down.
Mr. SPECTER - Which shots, now---you mean the fourth, and perhaps the fifth and perhaps the sixth shot?
Mrs. HILL - Yes.

Mr. SPECTER - You thought that perhaps the second burst of shots you heard were being directed toward him by the Secret Service?

Mrs. HILL - I Just thought, "Oh, goodness, the Secret Service is shooting back."

Mr. SPECTER - What was your impression as to the source of the second group of shots which you have described as the fourth, perhaps the fifth, and perhaps the sixth shot?
Mrs. HILL - Well, nothing, except that I thought that they were fired by someone else.
Mr. SPECTER - And did you have any idea where they were coming from?
Mrs. HILL - No; as I said, I thought they were coming from the general direction of that knoll.
Mr. SPECTER - Well, did you think that the Secret Service was firing them from that knoll?
Mrs. HILL - I said I didn't know-I really don't.
Mr. SPECTER - You just had the general impression that shots were coming from the knoll?
Mrs. HILL - Yes.
Mr. SPECTER - And you had the general impression that the Secret Service was firing the second group of shots at the man who fired the first group of shots?
Mrs. HILL - That's right
Mr. SPECTER - But you had no specific impression as to the source of those shots?
Mrs. HILL - No.

Jean Hill was looking at the limo when Greer shot Jfk.
Better view of rear gape with dislodged scalp comparison

Dr. Humes described the mess at the top as dislodged scalp. He also down played the entrance over the right eye as a contusion. Some theorists said jfk went somewhere in between Parkland and Bethesda. If so, some type of debridement may have taken place to cover the wound. This area is still visible and metal fragments were recovered behind the right eye and showed up in x-rays.

The right rear is clearly missing here and many witnesses saw jfk the way he lies here. He didn't have to be on his stomach because the hole was on the right rear. Notice the small flap on the right side compared to that fake mess in Zapruder.

A better view of rear gape and compare the dislodged scalp. It's similar.

Warren commission reversed wound path

Bigsky770 said:
  • 7forever:

    “Dr. Humes described the mess at the top as dislodged scalp. He also down played the entrance over
    the right eye as a contusion. Some theorists said jfk went somewhere in between Parkland and Bethesda.
    If so, some type of debridement may have taken place to cover the wound. This area is still visible and
    metal fragments were recovered behind the right eye and showed up in x-rays.

    The right rear is clearly missing here and many witnesses saw jfk the way he lies here. He didn't have
    to be on his stomach because the hole was on the right rear. Notice the small flap on the right side
    compared to that fake mess in Zapruder”

- And would seem to make sense with wound channeling. They had the inshoot/outshoot reversed.

Problems with HSCA figure II-19:


Now, see the above and imagine the position Greer (seated as driver) of the presidential limo:


Redline indicates (approx) positioning Greer's unholstered weapon firing over shoulder - note
its' intersection JFK's relative position.

Whoa. :o Though it needs to be added here, I've not yet accounted for the proper
degree of angle (was JFK's body positioned just-so at that exact moment to account for
this scenario where Greer delivers the killing shot?) Gotta go-back over those vid-bytes.

Joe (Bigsky770) ick. :pukeright:

All the government did was conclude the exact opposite of what really happened. Greer fired the fatal shot over the right eye with the exit on the right rear.
Re: What if JFK assassination was differant?

I have always wondered how a 6.5 round-nose, full metal jacket, 168 grain Carcano bullet, with its heavy jacket, could have caused that wound to Kennedy's head. Such bullets are constructed for the purpose of not causing such damage.
The doctors at Parkside (before Kennedy's body was forcefully removed from their possession), described extensive damage. However, the autopsy performed under government supervision in Washington D.C., downplayed/minimized the scalp/skull damage.
Bob Harris, a disinfo failure at Kennedy research

I knew a long time ago, bobharris77 had realized during the making of this clip that Zapruder had in fact been altered to hide the fact that Greer shot Kennedy. He did make some adjustments to it because you can no longer advance it with your mouse from 158-200-202. At two minutes you could see the red smoke and then advance to 202 and see the red blotch appear, both of those happening in unison with the white extending backward.

At around 1:30 he's babbling on about how the driver's left hand is at his side while holding steady at frame 312. At the end of his verbal nonsense he advances to frame 313 where you can clearly see it extend in sync with the headshot. What he did was create this effect which distracts the viewer from seeing the fake white working in sync with the fake red blotch. He did this because the screen didn't change for 30 or more seconds before advancing it to 313. This amount of time would have revealed to at least some viewers the connection between the fake reflection and the headshot. Bob, knows the driver fired on Kennedy and this effect proves it beyond any doubt. Bob, is a wannabe conspiracy theorist which means the driver did it, is off limits. This should teach anybody out there...do not try to use the film to disprove an obvious fact because some sleuth may come along and use it against you. After this idiot found out I was using his stupid video to prove the film was altered he went back and enhanced the effect to better hide the fake white and fake mist causing and hiding the headshot from the front.

The above effect was created to hide the fake reflection and fake blood mist from working in sync to cause and hide the heashot coming from the driver. Watch the fake white extend in unison with the red mist between 312-313.

You can see the back of the head start to gape with the fake mist and open entirely with the fake red blotch.

Castle tries to play and gets nailed lying

7f....what I see is greer looking over his shoulder but keeping his hands on the wheel.

I can see him doing the same thing better before its turned to pixelated mush by enlarging them.

You could not possibly see Greer's left hand on the wheel because it's not on the wheel in any of the three films when the fatal shot takes place. You are so desperate and without any knowledge of this case, that you lied about something that's a non-issue, furthing proving you have no interest in jfk besides lying about a visual fact.;)

Greer's fake hand comes off the wheel in Zapruder a half second before the shot.

Greer's real hand and arm cross his shoulder in Nix and Muchmore. This is nix.

Re: What if JFK assassination was differant?

Is Greer left or right handed? Which hand did he supposedly shoot Kennedy with?