Black radicals in the US have a long history of supporting uncivilized totalitarianism

Are you prepared to argue against the science? If evolution is true then all humans descended from black Africans who were the early product of evolution from animals.
You are the one arguing against the science. You claim that humans are not the product of an evolutionary process.
You are the one arguing against the science. You claim that humans are not the product of an evolutionary process.
You keep insisting animals first evolved into black African humans then into other races of humans. Don't you see how racist that is? God made all humans of the same blood and that was not the blood of monkeys or monkeys' uncles.
The DNA in the blood of all humans proves you wrong.
We are not fallen angels, we are risen apes.
At least some of us, perhaps not the fundies.
The DNA in the blood of all humans proves you wrong.
We are not fallen angels, we are risen apes.
At least some of us, perhaps not the fundies.
Christians believe God created life on earth. Enemies of God insist humans must have evolved from black animals in Africa.