Black radicals in the US have a long history of supporting uncivilized totalitarianism

Poor Mark is aggressively ignorant, and believes that disproving evolution with silly canards of the fundies will prove that the tale of Adam, Eve, the talking snake and the Genocidal Flood of a Loving God are somehow true.
Rejection of God sparked the evolution speculations that the unregenerate cling to in hope of deliverance from God's judgment. Evolution makes sinners more depraved, however, by instilling in them a hatred and racist animosity towards others.

Early evolution displays with blacks caged with animals in zoos.
Rejection of God sparked the evolution speculations that the unregenerate cling to in hope of deliverance from God's judgment. Evolution makes sinners more depraved, however, by instilling in them a hatred and racist animosity towards others.

Early evolution displays with blacks caged with animals in zoos.
Can you explain why an all powerful loving God would exterminate nearly all humans with a flood? How can you love people and drown them? And why would and all powerful God not be able to exterminate nearly all humans with a viral or even a bacterial plague?
Rejection of God sparked the evolution speculations that the unregenerate cling to in hope of deliverance from God's judgment. Evolution makes sinners more depraved, however, by instilling in them a hatred and racist animosity towards others.

Early evolution displays with blacks caged with animals in zoos.
nope, evolution isn't about rejection of god, its lol.
no intelligent person thinks the bible is a literally true science textbook, there is no inherent conflict between science and religion, except for mor.ons who think the bible is a science textbook.
nope, evolution isn't about rejection of god, its lol.
no intelligent person thinks the bible is a literally true science textbook, there is no inherent conflict between science and religion, except for mor.ons who think the bible is a science textbook.
Your science had secular geniuses putting blacks in cages with animals to sell evolution to Americans willing to pay to see the shows.
Your science had secular geniuses putting blacks in cages with animals to sell evolution to Americans willing to pay to see the shows.
You have the dumbest posts lol
Let me know if that is happening today duh
Update your calendar, science ******
You have the dumbest posts lol
Let me know if that is happening today duh
Update your calendar, science ******
Has science improved since the turn of the 20th century? Are evolutionists today abandoning the racist Darwinian narrative that the human race descended from animals and half animals in black Africa?
Has science improved since the turn of the 20th century? Are evolutionists today abandoning the racist Darwinian narrative that the human race descended from animals and half animals in black Africa?
Yes science improves constantly duh
You are a science ******
It seems that the earliest ancestors of humans lived in Africa. Humans are clearly animals and are descended from animals, as they share specific DNA with apes such as chimpanzees. This means that chimpanzees and humans had a common ancestor.
Skin pigmentation is an adaptation to a sunny climate. The skin processes vitamin C, and the less sunny the climate, the less the skin is pigmented with melanin.

Mark is a total science and history imbecile.
It seems that the earliest ancestors of humans lived in Africa. Humans are clearly animals and are descended from animals, as they share specific DNA with apes such as chimpanzees. This means that chimpanzees and humans had a common ancestor.
Skin pigmentation is an adaptation to a sunny climate. The skin processes vitamin C, and the less sunny the climate, the less the skin is pigmented with melanin.

Mark is a total science and history imbecile.
Darwin believed humans descended from black African primates and he believed some blacks in Africa were still evolving and not fully human.
Darwin believed humans descended from black African primates and he believed some blacks in Africa were still evolving and not fully human.

its amusing how you obsess about darwin, who is long dead and science has long since moved on.

god you are so stupid. lol
Poor Mark is aggressively ignorant, and believes that disproving evolution with silly canards of the fundies will prove that the tale of Adam, Eve, the talking snake and the Genocidal Flood of a Loving God are somehow true.
He is entitled to his opinion but it's gobsmacking a grown man of his age still believes it. He's based his life on it,more than likely indoctrinated his kids the same and has never seen one sceric of evidence to support one word of it.

There's is millions like that and none of them bother to check anything. They divided the country by religion yet are stretching to vote for Trump who's no more Christian than a dog. How can they possibly make a rational decision with those overlying factors.
its amusing how you obsess about darwin, who is long dead and science has long since moved on.

god you are so stupid. lol
I want to expose evolution's racism to Darwinists who desperately ignore facts that prove their beliefs are corrupt.
I want to expose evolution's racism to Darwinists who desperately ignore facts that prove their beliefs are corrupt.

if you want to prove that evolution is racist you have to show that TODAY's evolution is racist, not that someone in the past had racist ideas about evolution. duh.

if you want to prove that evolution is corrupt you have to show that TODAYs evolution is corrupt. duh