What happens when political ideologues control government agencies or courts, like the current conservative majority on SCOTUS?

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Genocide is the intentional destruction of a group of people, in whole or in part, based on their real or perceived membership in a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group.

God is not racist. Genocide is racist. God did not destroy innocent people for belonging to the wrong group like modern murderers do. He destroyed whole nations, including periodic destructions of the Jewish nation, for sins against God.
post those versus, coward. lol
they are exactly genocice, but you are too cowardly to admit it.
you support evil
AI Overview
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Genocide is the intentional destruction of a group of people, in whole or in part, based on their real or perceived membership in a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group.

God is not racist. Genocide is racist. God did not destroy innocent people for belonging to the wrong group like modern murderers do. He destroyed whole nations, including periodic destructions of the Jewish nation, for sins against God.

In Deuteronomy 20:16–17, God commanded the Israelites, “In the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.”

that's exactly genocide. duh
I never claimed one politician's sins are worse than another's or that I should vote for a candidate who opposes God on major issues because a candidate who tends to support God on those measures has sin in his life between him and God.
you made a claim. i asked for proof. you said you hade none. and now this gymnastics by you. again, shocking!
post those versus, coward. lol
they are exactly genocice, but you are too cowardly to admit it.
you support evil
When God kills thousands of sinners at one time for reasons pertaining to wickedness that is because God judges sin and His judgemnts are always righteous.
In Deuteronomy 20:16–17, God commanded the Israelites, “In the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.”

that's exactly genocide. duh
You err by not recognizing the difference between unjust killing of hundreds or more and just killings of hundreds or more.
When God kills thousands of sinners at one time for reasons pertaining to wickedness that is because God judges sin and His judgemnts are always righteous.
your claims are not falsifiable. hence they are not based in reality or logic. it is just faith. and crappy sadistic faith at that.
Forget Trump. We need to protect our elections against the possibility of fraud in future elections whether democrats oppose security measures or not.
Let's not forget about Trump. The democrats were not responsible for any fraud.
Trump tried to rig it and it's proven. It's you sour mongrels who want to blame democrats with no evidence.
Let's not forget about Trump. The democrats were not responsible for any fraud.
Trump tried to rig it and it's proven. It's you sour mongrels who want to blame democrats with no evidence.
Democrats committed massive voting fraud, especially in the hours and days after Trump was winning the election by massive margins on election night.
Do you oppose God's alleged 'slaughtering' of babies by the hundreds but not American democrats actually slaughtering babies by the millions?
those are choices by women while controlling their own bodies. your god seemed to have slaughtered babies for his ego. kinda like trump treatment of covid.