What happens when political ideologues control government agencies or courts, like the current conservative majority on SCOTUS?

yer such a whiner. were you not the one who kept reminding us that trump was fond to have committed sexual assault in a civil proceedings and not a criminal one and you kept doing this ad nauseum? and now the fact is that impeachment is not a criminal proceedings and therefore some rules do not apply. why whine so much and why not at least be consistent?
Denying Trump's rights was just as wicked in his impeachment as it was in his more recent corrupt leftist kangaroo court trials.
Trump wa not allowed to call defensive witnesses and was not allowed to see his false accuser face to face. Both Schiff and Vindmann knew Vindmann was the fake whistleblower and both dishonestly claimed they did not know who the whistleblower was. Both of the liars should have been seriously disciplined for that, especially Vindmann for his many treasonous crimes against his Commander-in-Chief.

where are those rights listed as being rights in the impeachment inquiry? how did democrats suspend them? why didn't trump go to court to get them back?

so far all you have is right wing BS. lol
Denying Trump's rights was just as wicked in his impeachment as it was in his more recent corrupt leftist kangaroo court trials.

except your claim his rights were denied are lies.
unless you can prove them by showing where they are, say in the constitution? lol.
or present credible independent expert witnesses that agree with you?
or show the court cases trump won on the basis of being denied rights?

oh you can't do any of those? lol.
because you are a right wing lying mor.on :)
You don't want me to join democrats who whine that government agencies and departments like the SCOTUS majority should not be allowed to be biased?
Of course
Trump wa not allowed to call defensive witnesses and was not allowed to see his false accuser face to face.
The judge ruled that more Trump sycophants saying how honest he is was no used to anyone when he's in trial for be dishonest.

Both Schiff and Vindmann knew Vindmann was the fake whistleblower and both dishonestly claimed they did not know who the whistleblower was.
How do you know that?

Both of the liars should have been seriously disciplined for that, especially Vindmann for his many treasonous crimes against his Commander-in-Chief.
What treasonous crimes?
Were trumps j6 riots and showing secret documents to foreign people not treasonous?
Trump wa not allowed to call defensive witnesses and was not allowed to see his false accuser face to face. Both Schiff and Vindmann knew Vindmann was the fake whistleblower and both dishonestly claimed they did not know who the whistleblower was. Both of the liars should have been seriously disciplined for that, especially Vindmann for his many treasonous crimes against his Commander-in-Chief.
no worries. when trump is president again, he will execute vindman. he would execute barr, judge merchan, schiff, general milley, jack smith, da bragg, etc etc etc.
What treasonous crimes?
Were trumps j6 riots and showing secret documents to foreign people not treasonous?
Biden stowed secret government documents he stole in the office building he shared with CCP business partner spies. Where is the 'shoot to kill' army of jack-booted Stasi storm troopers raiding his home and office like Garland's storm troopers raided Mar-a-Lago? Clearly, Biden is treated as if he is above the law.
no worries. when trump is president again, he will execute vindman. he would execute barr, judge merchan, schiff, general milley, jack smith, da bragg, etc etc etc.
Democrat bootlick supporters repeat the stupidest lies fed them by their leftist democrat leaders and their MSM propaganda support group.
Democrat bootlick supporters repeat the stupidest lies fed them by their leftist democrat leaders and their MSM propaganda support group.
That's pretty ironic coming from someone who keeps claiming the election was stolen by fraud even though you lost every court case where you tried to prove it LOL
Biden stowed secret government documents he stole in the office building he shared with CCP business partner spies. Where is the 'shoot to kill' army of jack-booted Stasi storm troopers raiding his home and office like Garland's storm troopers raided Mar-a-Lago? Clearly, Biden is treated as if he is above the law.
You keep posting this shoot to kill stupidity as if it proves something I find it amusing how stupid you are
That's pretty ironic coming from someone who keeps claiming the election was stolen by fraud even though you lost every court case where you tried to prove it LOL
Losing court cases before the results of serious investigations were in proves nothing.
You keep posting this shoot to kill stupidity as if it proves something I find it amusing how stupid you are
Garland and Biden gave their storm troopers authorization to use deadly force in their unprecedented raid on a former president's residence. Who did Biden or Garland imagine would have been shot should such authorization have resulted in gunfire? President Trump? A family member? A house servant? A secret service agent? Don't tell me our democrat leaders did not even think about that before issuing the directive in this raid.
Losing court cases before the results of serious investigations were in proves nothing.
it was not one court in a heavily democratic area. he filed 60+ lawsuits and all but one was defeated.

be honest and show your true color. you just despise america as it is today. you despise its norms and its laws. you are anti American you wish for a confederacy type government. you want to destroy america as we know it today.
Garland and Biden gave their storm troopers authorization to use deadly force in their unprecedented raid on a former president's residence.
this is a blatant lie. it was boilerplate language fbi uses in their searches. they used the same language when they searched biden residence/office.

your positions are bankrupt (just as trump has been several times). all you have are lies, blatant lies, and damn lies. your best shot is gaslighting your opponents.
Biden stowed secret government documents he stole in the office building he shared with CCP business partner spies.
The fact he had secret documents is proven and settle but you have no evidence he shared it with anyone. You're a liar.

Where is the 'shoot to kill' army of jack-booted Stasi storm troopers raiding his home and office like Garland's storm troopers raided Mar-a-Lago? Clearly, Biden is treated as if he is above the law.
In fact, they raided Biden's home also after he told them he had papers. He never tried to stop them but told them exactly what they needed to know. Trump refused to return them hence they had to be taken.
You're repeating that same lies every day.