So Numinus Israel has the right to defend itself but Palestinians don't - sounds fair and reasonable.
Nonsense. The palestinians -- (or the goat-herder organization hiding behind them) are the AGGRESSORS. It has always been this way since god knows when.
The jews entered palestine en-masse after the horrors of the holocaust. They BOUGHT land (and established the proto-typical kibbutz) from arab landlords -- remnants of the upper class ottomans who occupied the land previously. They had an understanding with the present british 'administrator' of the mandate which culminated in the balfour declaration -- a promise which the british blatantly reneged.
And why do you suppose britain reneged on the promise? They did so because the palestinian arabs went ape-sh!t with the prospect of having jews for neighbors. And the british were too busy kissing arab ass to protect their interests in the middle east.
You hate Palestinians so much you want to blame them for their civilian deaths rather than the people actually dropping the bombs!
I've never met a palestinian in my whole life. I couldn't possibly hate them.
What a sick joke! The Israelis massacred the Palestinians - but in a very peaceful and neighbourly way.
At the end of WW2 the Palestinians were a clear majority in what is now Israel. The Israeli terrorists attacked the Palestinians.
The Israelis attacked the Palestinians and ethnically cleansed them from their homeland. The Israelis received some of their weapons from Stalin, who was initially sympathetic.
The igrun was established primarily to negate widespread violence committed on the jews in the first place. It was NECESSARY the moment it became clear that the 'british administrators' of the mandate would not lift a finger to protect them from wanton violence perpetrated by the arabs. This was immediately after the holocaust -- when they were meekly herded to the slaughter by the MILLIONS.
At some point, even a dog would say enough is enough.
Yea the Palestinians should disarm while the vast Israeli military machine continues to grow. Does this seem fair to anyone? Only someone with a deep hatred of Palestinians could accept this. Please keep posting Numinus you provide a great example of Israeli bigotry.
Of course it is.
Any state ought to have a military. Its purpose is to defend the state from external threats. The flipside of this coin is that the state is accountable for the actions of its military to the community of nations and international law that governs them.
Who exactly is hamas or hezbollah accountable to, hmmmm? Take the recent fracas with lebanon, for example.
Some members of hamas were elected officials of the lebanese government. Lebanon allowed hamas to operate within lits territory. When they kidnapped israeli soldiers, who should israel have spoken to?
The lebanese government said that it had no authority over the armed segment of hamas and it couldn't give back the kidnapped prisoners. Nor would it allow israel to enter its territory to get their soldiers back. In the mean time, sit back and enjoy the show being aired on international media -- the after-torture-and-beheading street party going on in beirut.
If this happened in any other country, their civilian and military armed forces would be tripping over themselves trying to recover foreign personnel. And regardless of whether the kidnapped victim is recovered or not, generals' heads will certainly roll.
But not in the 'sovereign' state of lebanon -- when hamas or hezbollah are concerned, right? In fact, I'm beginning to think that these goat-herders don't want a state of their own. Being a rouge organization certainly has certain 'advantages' -- especially if its main objective is the annihilation of israel. Why bother with a country of their own if the prospect of something infinitely more enjoyable is forthcoming, eh?