Obama's War ON Israel

Jesus wept! Sick, sick, sick! The Klan lives, hey? You are for the final solution? I must look into 'Ignore' as worked here: some sorts of person one just does not need to talk to!

I heartily encourage you to use the IGNORE button ... if you are afraid of the truth, if you can't stand to look at the world situation rationally, if it makes you physically ill to consider standing up for your rights and security .... it is a button you MUST push.
Citing "Jesus wept" is used as an expletive in many circles.

Has nothing to do with the reason Jesus wept. (His sadness over the death of Lazarus).
You refuse to recognize the existence of the Country of Israel ....

But, in your mind I'm the NAZI ....

Tell me again who is brainwashed?
You refused to accept the Third Reich, you anti-German swine? Stop drivelling and defending murder.
I refuse to defend murders .... like the Third Reich and Hamas!
so you don't defend Israel?

funny how Israel has the right to deffend itself by killing as many as they want...But Palistine has no right to anything...Just like Blacks in South Africa and the old South USA...Maybe thats why you support them so much...they remind you of hte good old days?
its funny when I own christians on it...because their faith is like them..shallow. But its funny that you think that only republicans can be Christian. You attack Muslim extremist, but your not that different.
Please note i use the term "pretend". This implies that they make no claim of being christian but grab a phrase here or there as it sounds good not knowing it's significance.
They should stick with what they know and avoid what they admit they dont.
so you don't defend Israel?

funny how Israel has the right to deffend itself by killing as many as they want...But Palistine has no right to anything...Just like Blacks in South Africa and the old South USA...Maybe thats why you support them so much...they remind you of hte good old days?

Spend most of your life living under electrical wires?
Please note i use the term "pretend". This implies that they make no claim of being christian but grab a phrase here or there as it sounds good not knowing it's significance.
They should stick with what they know and avoid what they admit they dont.

I know .... I don't pretend. Wanna play?
Both Harris and Trump will be biased towards Israel.
Harris has access to experts with knowledge of the situation and is far more likely to arrange a cease fire.
Trump is an petty and ignorant man who hires only asskissers and lickspittles and will accomplish nothing.

No one in the US government supports Hamas.

Netanyahu prefers Hamas to the PLO, because the PLO has declared that it favors a two state solution, and Hamas claims that it wants to conquer the entire area. Of course, Hamas has no ability to do this.
For that matter, Israel cannot control the entire area, either, certainly not peacefully.

Israel should NOT be a major concern of American voters. There are far more important issues; healthcare and education for all Americans, immigration reform, climate chance, supporting a free Ukraine and a strong EU in our NATO alliance.