US judge shuts down Soros-backed Letitia James' assault on Christian organization

That is what you are saying Biden should do: cut prices back to their 2020 levels.
No. I'm saying politicians need to stay the hell out of controlling businsesses, mandating price rates and controls, dictating who to hire or not hire and hundreds of other detrimental involvements in businesses that do not help the economy or businesses.
The inflation RATE is not the same thing as the result of past inflation.
Rate of inflation is a measure of how fasts prices are increasing. Lowering rates of inflation cannot erase past hikes in inflation.
Do you think that Trump has the power to lower prices back to 2020 levels? Perhaps is he really SCOWLS at them, or maybe he gets a cop to beat them up. That's his new thing, encouraging the cops to really rough people up Georgefloyd them until they behave, yeah!
Neither Trump not anyone else can rescue the US from the high degree of debt and inflation currently engulfing the nation.