So you don't think the term teabagger is nasty? Do you even know what it means?
And as far as the Tea Party goes (I am not a member) what, in your opinion, do they believe in?
People who use the term "teabagger" are the same as those who used the "N" word to describe the men and women who participated in the Civil Rights Movement.
Of course, these crude, nasty, hateful individuals who use these terms will not see the relevance in the similarity of the two .... just as those using the "N" word during the Civil Rights era did not see the reality of what their actions represented then.
Nor, can they tell you what the TEA Party stands for today, without unleashing a flurry of racist insults and attacks. In order for someone to understand what the TEA Party stands for, they would first have to be able to form a cohesive independent thought of their own instead of exhibiting the typical brain dead liberal thought pattern of parroting whatever the Dem's false talking points of the day are.
Now, hang with me just a little longer here .... I believe one of the greatest example of this exist within this thread, aside from all the nasty hateful remarks made by these individuals.
The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the ultimate watchdog whose massive, six-yearly ‘assessments’ are accepted by
environmentalists, politicians and experts as the gospel of climate science.
They are cited worldwide to justify swingeing fossil fuel taxes and subsidies for ‘renewable’ energy.
In the
article I posted on the previous page the IPCC is admitting that the computers "got it wrong" when it comes to Green House Gasses. In fact they went on to say:
“Scientific forecasts of imminent doom were drastically wrong,”
Now, to all normal thinking citizens who are able to think independently now know that the great global warming hoax debate is a done deal. The foremost authority for the LEFT on global warming is admitting they got it "drastically wrong"!
But, what are our leftist friends doing and saying in the midst of this new profound confession by the IPCC? You guessed it. They are still spewing their hatred and their nasty comments towards anyone who does not believe in this hoax.
A clear and classic example of individuals who are simply incapable of any kind of independent thought.
So, do not expect an intelligent answer to your question :
"And as far as the Tea Party goes (I am not a member) what, in your opinion, do they believe in?"
You are simply asking too much of a simple mind!