October Snowstorm in Northeast and not one word from the Liberal Media


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Not one word is gonna be mentioned about Climate change on NBC,CBS ABC,CNN or MSNBC. But Oh yeah when it gets 110 degrees in New York City Katie Couric and Brain Williams blames it on Global warming.


Bill OReilly said it has nothing to do with Global Warming. Its Nature and GOD! Thats what he said! NATURE AND GOD!! Man has nothing to do with Global Warming. The Earth was hotter 150 Million years ago and you cant blame man or cars cause there were none.
Not one word is gonna be mentioned about Climate change on NBC,CBS ABC,CNN or MSNBC. But Oh yeah when it gets 110 degrees in New York City Katie Couric and Brain Williams blames it on Global warming.


Bill OReilly said it has nothing to do with Global Warming. Its Nature and GOD! Thats what he said! NATURE AND GOD!! Man has nothing to do with Global Warming. The Earth was hotter 150 Million years ago and you cant blame man or cars cause there were none.

Yes. . .obviously since Bill O'Reilly said it on Fox News. . .that MUST be a message straight from God! :rolleyes::D:D:D
I'm just hoping the occupiers go home before someone dies from exposure. This sh*t is not worth dying for.

So. . .you think that going to Iraq fighting for oil so that the big oil corp could make even more profit was "worth dying for."

But staying in your own country, or coming back from Iraq and finding your own country figthing against democratic principles, trying to affect policies so that 99% of the people have a chance to survive instead of being economically enslaved by the top 1%. . .is not "worth dying for?

Just remember. . .It is a French writer (Andre Malraux) than once wrote: "les martyrs sachant de quel poids pèse sur toute pensée le sang versé pour elle" or, "The martyrs, knowing how the blood spilled for a cause weighs on it. . . ." (this is my own translation from French to English. . .so it may not match the "official" translations. . .I haven't checked).
So. . .you think that going to Iraq fighting for oil so that the big oil corp could make even more profit was "worth dying for."

But staying in your own country, or coming back from Iraq and finding your own country figthing against democratic principles, trying to affect policies so that 99% of the people have a chance to survive instead of being economically enslaved by the top 1%. . .is not "worth dying for?

Just remember. . .It is a French writer (Andre Malraux) than once wrote: "les martyrs sachant de quel poids pèse sur toute pensée le sang versé pour elle" or, "The martyrs, knowing how the blood spilled for a cause weighs on it. . . ." (this is my own translation from French to English. . .so it may not match the "official" translations. . .I haven't checked).

About how much Iraqi oil has the US contracted for ?

No, its not worth dying from hypothermia just because you don't know enough to come in from the cold. There have already been kids treated for hypothermia (luckily they survived intact) and thats in relative warmth.
Sadly, many of them think it's worth killing for. :(

Funny you should say that!

I do not believe I've heard of any OWS carrying guns or assault weapons.

Can you say the same about the tea party?

I have not heard of any threat or any incitement to violence from the OWS. . .I've heard a lot from the tea party.

I do not believe that any real violence has been reported coming from OWS (nor vandalism, or looting), but I've watched quite a few police brutality or at the least over reach, trying to get the OWS so upset that they MIGHT think about retaliating. . .but they didn't!

Does the name Scott Olsen have any significance for you? It should! It certainly does for the mayor of Oakland. . .and for "Veterans for peace!"

Don't you EVER wonder if maybe you are missing something? Don't you ever wonder if, maybe, just maybe, you are stuck in a non-defensible box?

Well, maybe not! Some people just are so stuck in their own paradigm, in a circular mindset that doesn't allow them even a glimpse at what is beyond that paradigm, with each action and thought in that paradigm reinforcing their actions and thought process!

That's okay. . .you stay there. I'm just glad I don't live in your paradigm!
About how much Iraqi oil has the US contracted for ?

No, its not worth dying from hypothermia just because you don't know enough to come in from the cold. There have already been kids treated for hypothermia (luckily they survived intact) and thats in relative warmth.

That's the funny part about it! Bush and co. has spend TRILLIONS to get that oil. . .and when everything is said and done. . . the Iraqui are choosing to "sell" that oil to our worse ennemies!

And, if you are so worried about the "kids" being cold in the Winter. . .why don't you help by recogniizing that their anger and their complaints are JUSTIFIED, and that something needs to be done about it. . .other than Boehner finding the job bill "laughable!"

ASS HOLE (Boehner. . .not you. . .yet!)
That's the funny part about it! Bush and co. has spend TRILLIONS to get that oil. . .and when everything is said and done. . . the Iraqui are choosing to "sell" that oil to our worse ennemies!

so clearly we were not doing it to get that oil.

And, if you are so worried about the "kids" being cold in the Winter. . .why don't you help by recogniizing that their anger and their complaints are JUSTIFIED, and that something needs to be done about it. . .other than Boehner finding the job bill "laughable!"

ASS HOLE (Boehner. . .not you. . .yet!)

because even if I did, it changes nothing about the needless risk. are you this cavalier regarding the life of others all the time ?
so clearly we were not doing it to get that oil

No, dear. .. we did go in to get that oil. . .but, once again, the Bush administration miscalculated!
But Cheney wasn't too upset, because he got MANY BILLIONS in business for his dear Halliburton! So. . . for him at least, it wasn't all a lost!

because even if I did, it changes nothing about the needless risk. are you this cavalier regarding the life of others all the time

You mean. . .like sending over 100,000 troops to possible death? And ending up with 4,400 dead soldiers for NOTHING?

Now. . .who is "cavalier?"