Once Again,,Global warming is a bunch of B.S liberal hype

I suppose it should be no surprise that right wing Americans deny the impact of climate change when serious candidates for the retardlican nomination are evolution denyers

And theses retards scoff at those who accept the evidence of science and their eyes as sheeple

Well guys you represent a long tradition of idiotic denial of new scientific discoveries.

Now put your fingers back in your ears and continue going la la la
I suppose it should be no surprise that right wing Americans deny the impact of climate change when serious candidates for the retardlican nomination are evolution denyers

And theses retards scoff at those who accept the evidence of science and their eyes as sheeple

Well guys you represent a long tradition of idiotic denial of new scientific discoveries.

Now put your fingers back in your ears and continue going la la la

Your masters say "global warming" and your repeat. Your masters now say "climate change" and you repeat. Yeah, we're all retarded and you're a collosal glittering example of critical thinking. Yup.
I suppose it should be no surprise that right wing Americans deny the impact of climate change when serious candidates for the retardlican nomination are evolution denyers

And theses retards scoff at those who accept the evidence of science and their eyes as sheeple

Well guys you represent a long tradition of idiotic denial of new scientific discoveries.

Now put your fingers back in your ears and continue going la la la

where's that evidence ?
Ohhh are you really this dumb?

Go and look at images of ice covered regions over tha last 20 years and look at the astonishing change
Dude ....
The ice cicles are melting off my roof in the month of March. I have pictures. I think it's global warming or spring time or something. Either way, I think we should pay more taxes and forfeit a few more Freedoms and Liberties to a world government.
Oh Lets see now,,,
1. In some states we gotta take our cars to get Emissions tested=Libs Rob you
2. In some states we gotta seperate our trash from Plastic,Paper and Trash= Libs Rob you
3. In some states we gotta Pay extra 5 cents or 10 cents on Soda comes in Bottles= Libs Rob you
4. Everywhere the EPA tells us we cant drill oil or have pipeline here= Libs Rob you

europe has the right idea what to do with garbage
The images of the receding ice are from the same date each year

You guys are explaining why something that is clearly happening isn't happening

The king is in the altogether the altogether......
The earth is flat, you'll fall off the edge if you sail too far

Ironically, that is the very thing that a good sheeple such as yourself would believe. There is no definitive facts supporting Global Warming. There is numerous fallacies, lies, spin, and lawsuits for manipulated data over Global Warming and a big government agenda as well. These facts taken into consideration reveals to all normal independent thinking Americans that Global Warming is a government made hoax!

I understand how this type of independent thinking can be incredibly difficult for the sheeple minded. My sympathy is with you.