Uh oh.. get ready to panic over global cooling

This is not Obama's first time to OK an assault on America's symbol of FREEDOM!

Wyoming Native American tribe gets rare permit to kill bald eagles
The protections given gad the desired effect of recovering the populations. I rember the moaning and gnashing of teeth when wwere removed from the endangered species list (downgraded to protected to be correct). And of course numbers have continued to increase since. While not to the same degree as white tail deer, the issue of food supply is ciming into play. They eat sick fish (easier to catch esspecialy when they are about ddead and floating near the surface). We have a lot of them in VA and around Richmond where I live owing to us being on the James River. We have, well had a coal fired power generating ststion bynthe river and with the heat being discipated into the river we have a fish slow cooker and loads of bald eagles (now). I remember going down to a park on the river and saw without turning my head at all, 12 eagles. Sorry for the rambling but the point is that its not a problem taking a few birds to honor indian trities. Kinda falks into sound game management now. Giving a free pass to turbines ti take birds willy nilly is bad on many levels.
Cold dis-comfort: Antarctica set record of -135.8

WASHINGTON (AP) — Feeling chilly? Here's cold comfort: You could be in East Antarctica which new data says set a record for "soul-crushing" cold.

Try 135.8 degrees Fahrenheit below zero; that's 93.2 degrees below zero Celsius, which sounds only slightly toastier. Better yet, don't try it. That's so cold scientists say it hurts to breathe.

A new look at NASA satellite data revealed that Earth set a new record for coldest temperature recorded. It happened in August 2010 when it hit -135.8 degrees. Then on July 31 of this year, it came close again: -135.3 degrees.
Scary Santa’s Urgent Message Threatens Canceling Christmas if Global Warming Isn’t Stopped

Environmental activism group Greenpeace is using a scary video of Santa Claus to push their agenda to fight global warming: a desperate appeal from the man himself urging kids and their parents to sign a petition to “Save Santa’s Home.”

“Dear children, regrettably, I bring bad tidings. For some time now, melting ice here at the North Pole has made our operations and our day-to-day life intolerable and impossible and there may be no alternative but to cancel Christmas,” a bedraggled Mr. Claus tells the camera.

This goes beyond indoctrination. This is abuse. Not unexpected from the hate filled wacko LEFT!

Reddit Science Forum Has Been Banning Climate Change Denialism

The site that bills itself as “the front page of the Internet” has a forum that bans some submissions and comments of those skeptical of man-made global climate change.

Forums on Reddit frequently include rules for comments and posting established by moderators. While the /r/science forum — referred to as a “subreddit” — does not appear to specifically ban climate skepticism as a whole, it does say comments must be “on-topic and relevant.” Submissions to the forum, which are approved by moderators, must be peer-reviewed research or based on recent scientific research, and “not editorialized, sensationalized or biased,” among other requirements.

If global warming was indeed based on "real science" shouldn't these wacko Leftist be welcoming discussion and different ideas to their theories and not trying to censor this information and ideas from others?

Apparently not, because it is not real science, it's Marxist BS and we all know that censorship is always part of the equation.
Climate Change Groups Seek New Leadership as Green Movement Loses Momentum

It is unclear exactly why many climate change organizations are installing new executives, but it appears they are following the professional sports paradigm: When a team loses more than it wins, you can’t fire all the players, but you can fire the coach.

In the last decade the environmentalist have peddled harsh laws to install climate change strategies. However, many of these laws don’t pass, and new regulations fail to get traction. With global warming at a standstill for most of the last two decades and –

"much to Al Gore’s chagrin – plenty of ice still on the polar caps, more green groups are firing their CEO’s."


Scientists reject claims of record cold being caused by ‘global warming’ – Time Mag. blamed ‘polar vortex’ on ‘global cooling’ in 1974 – Special Report

Global warming activists in academia and the media are now seeking to link record-breaking cold to man-made “global warming.” The problem is, the science is failing to support their claims.

Time Magazine was one of the first media outlets out of the gate with an article by senior writer Bryan Walsh blaming the “historic cold snap” on “climate change” and warning readers that global warming will bring more record cold! “This week’s events show that climate change is almost certainly screwing with weather patterns ways that go beyond mere increases in temperature—meaning that you’d be smart to hold onto those winter coats for a while longer,” Walsh wrote. See: Polar Vortex: Climate Change Could Be the Cause of Record Cold Weather | TIME.com

Walsh went on to refer to the ubiquitous phrase “polar vortex” to attempt to explain how carbon dioxide emissions have essentially made the polar vortex “wobble like a drunk on his 4th martini.”

The only problem for Time Magazine is the publication is on record in 1974 blaming the same phenomenon on – global cooling! See: Time Magazine Goes Both Ways On The Polar Vortex: ‘In 1974, Time Mag blamed the cold polar vortex on global cooling’ — In 2014: ‘Time Magazine blames the cold polar vortex on global warming’ (via Real Science)

You simply cannot make up this kind of stupidity and BS!